I feel that everytime I open my mouth, or make a decision, I have to put the war paint on beforehand, and prepare for battle.
All my days are filled with arguments or disagreements, and I remain cool throughout it, although all I want to do is roll my eyes and tell the world to fuck off. Despite the amount of time I've been on the computer recently, I'm never really here. I'm always off doing my own things.
I'm becoming a bit of a social recluse again, after all the partying from the few weeks before this one. And I'm okay with it. The need to talk to other human beings is basically nonexistant. There are the few I still seek out, and they know who they are ;)
I'm not looking to stop talking to people all together. I'm just trying to say this: back off. I'm tired of arguing, I'm tired of constantly being told I'm wrong. Hearing that really does wear down on a persons strength. I'm human too, and yeah, I fuck up. I'm hotheaded. But that doesn't mean I want to butt heads over every little aspect of life.