Cross posted.
Sam: Beth.
Sam: I just had two FBI special agents in the house.
Beth: sam
Beth: !
Sam: looking for the people we're house-sitting for?
Beth: !!!
Sam: i am paranoid beyond belief now.
Beth: whoah
Sam: and i cant reach my sister or her fiance.
Beth: did they search the house?
Sam: no
Beth: did they search you?
Sam: they just came in and asked questions
Beth: did they get out the flashlight and question you like in the movies?
Sam: not so much
Sam: i got the "holds up his badge in the doorway" thing though.
Beth: hmmm. you should tell them they should do that
Beth: ah, still cool. less dramatic though. ooo! were they good cop / bad cop?
Beth: seriously though, you ok?
Sam: im fine, just a little anxiety ridden.
Beth: i bet.
Sam: they were both pretty nice, though one was way more serious than the other.
Beth: dont be paranoid. its probaby nothing. and even if it were (which it isn't) it wouldn't have anything to do w/ you
Beth: just dont watch CSI today
Sam: haha
Beth: and youll be fine
Sam: i know, it was just so surreal.
Beth: ill bet
Sam: im even so paranoid as to wonder if they were real FBI
Beth: did they take anything?
Sam: no
Beth: or anyone
Beth: such as a sibling? or a stereo?
Sam: haha, no
Sam: just info
Beth: than they are probably real
Beth: did they ask for your bank account #?
Sam: just my name and DOB
Beth: yeah, i think youre fine
Sam: im totally calling my mom
Sam: haha
Beth: maybe they were just checking out the place. ever since our house was robbed, we have the cops come by and chack on it every once in a while while we're out of town
Sam: well
Sam: what i think happened is this
Sam: a while ago, Shaun and Holly (the people we're house-sitting for) sold their van
Sam: the people they sold it to never picked up the title
Sam: but on 8/10, they called here asking how to reach shaun.
Sam: and i gave them every number i had, because they said it was an emergency
Sam: a few days later, we get a call from Holly saying that these people are trying to pull identity theft.
Beth: aaaaaaaaaaahhh
Beth: well that IS creepy
Sam: okay well
Sam: Holly just called me
Sam: the people they sold their van to are apparently fugitives
Sam: or at least
Sam: they WERE.
Sam: theyve been arrested.
Sam: wtf?
Sam: is this real?
Beth: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sam: i am sooo perplexed.
Beth: thats crazy
Sam: your telling me
Sam: the FBI, by the way, only do a single knock.
Beth: well at least you dont have to worry anymore
Beth: whoa. cool
Sam: most people "knock knock" or "knock knock knock" not the FBI "knock"
Beth: thats exciting
Sam: indeed
Beth: ill remember that
Sam: so. weird.
Sam: the thing that gets me, is when the FBI asked me how they left (Shaun and Holly), i told them they drove in a van. they asked me if it was a green van...i said i think so? and the guy made a sad face, shook his head, and wrote it down.
Sam: what on earth does that mean?
Beth: i have no clue
Beth: thats wierd
Beth: was that the van they sold the theft people?
Sam: i have no idea.
Sam: are the people we're house-sitting for outlaws?
Sam: did THEY steal a van?
Sam: i am sooo confused.
Beth: but why would they call you?
Sam: to keep me believing that theyre innocent? i have no idea.
Sam: who goes to vermont for 3 months?
Beth: people who dont like TX weather in the summer
Sam: my sister is house sitting till october.
Sam: so bizarre.
Beth: this is all really wierd
Sam: i bet i looked sketchy to them, i have an army duffle bag with clothes all over the couch, haha
Beth: nah, just a regular college kid housesitting
Sam: mind if i post this conversation on my journal?
Beth: not at all