Title: Temperature, Leaves, and Quidditch Players
Gift for:
carrickorourkePairing: Harry/Ginny; Dumbledore painting
Rating: G
Word Count: 1880
Summary: Harry can’t figure out why Ginny fusses so much over Albus. But another Albus might have some insight.
Author's Notes: Hope this works for you, dorotdsz. I know you wanted details about the Ginny/
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Comments 6
You've beautifully worked in all the prompts, even the quote was there subtley. I know the prompts were not easy to work with. I was curious as to what my giftee would come up and I actually liked the plot.
I just hope that Albus will grow up to be a normal boy even with his mother fussing and fretting.
Dumbledore - the one who gives insight, always has the answers. Loved his characterisation.
My only complaint was it was short.
Thank you so much Mystery Author, I'll always cherish this story.
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