~ Rules and Guidelines for hg_seasonsfest ~

May 05, 2010 19:46

Fest Rules & Guidelines

In order to take part in this fest you must be willing to produce a piece of fic or art as a gift for another participant. When you sign-up you are committing to do this.

This is a Harry/Ginny fest, therefore all fics and pieces of artwork should focus primarily on the pairing Harry/Ginny (although secondary characters and parings are allowed) and should be shaped around the particular season set for the fest.

Stories need to be at least 1,000 words in length. Use a beta-reader if you can and make sure your fic is proofread for correct spellings and grammar before you submit it.

Artwork needs to be finished and fully drawn out. No small line sketches.

All ratings are allowed and AU is acceptable (without major changes to canon).

All ages are welcome, but we ask that you write/drawn an appropriate rating if you’re younger than 18 and vice versa if your recipient is under 18 please do not write/draw any piece of work with a high-ratings.

All gifts must be original and done specifically for this community and its participants.

Please look over your assignment carefully upon receiving it and be sure to pay attention to the requests and squicks. If you feel that for any reason you cannot complete your assignment and/or wish to be given a different assignment please contact the mods asap so we can help you.

This fest in anonymous, therefore it is important that you keep secret which fic/artwork is yours. Please wait until after reveals to post your fic/artwork at other communities or your own journal.

Submitting your completed assignment
Please submit your completed assignment as an email attachment to hg.seasons.mods@gmail.com by the date required. Be sure to include any special formatting or HTML coding, instructions to the mods and the correct header for fic or art (which you will be supplied with). Fics must be formatted with a blank line between every paragraph, so the text doesn't run together.

Writing/Drawing Time
You will be given as close as we can give to 2 months to complete your assignment.

Sometimes life happens and you can't meet the due date. We are more than willing to work with you. Just please keep us informed. If you request an extension, you will get one. However, if we don’t receive your entry by the day after your extension, or don’t hear from you, we will send out a request for a Pinch Hitter; no exceptions. If you request a second extension, we may ask to see what you have so far.

If you have a problem in one of our fests, we will do whatever we can to fix it. Sometimes it may be an easy fix; sometimes it will involve a lot of effort on our part; sometimes we may not be able to help, but just know that we will work with you. If you are having problems starting a story, please let the mods or your recipient’s go-to person know if you need someone with whom to brainstorm.

Drop outs
Unlike some communities, we have decided not to publish the names of the drop outs. We do keep a list; if you have dropped out of one of our fests, you are not automatically eliminated from future rounds. However, we will want to chat with you about why you dropped out previously, and why you want to participate again. If any mods from other communities have concerns about drop outs, they are welcome to contact us, either at hg.seasons.mods@gmail.com email or by sending a PM.


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