War challenge drabble

Jul 16, 2005 10:41

Title: Rebirth
By: PennyC
Fandom : Harry Potter
Rating: PG
Characters: Lucius/Hermione
Summary: A grief-maddened Lucius does something that might turn the tide of the war.
Author's Notes: This came to me in a dream last night. It was very hard to get it down to 100 words.

Grunting as the spell hit, she raised her head. “I’ll never…”

“You will.” He hit her with one final spell, then walked over and embraced her. Pulling her close, he kissed her passionately, his hand smoothing her now-straight hair.

To her horror, she found herself responding.

He smiled down at the copy of his dead wife. “So…my Narcissa… shall we rebuild what this pathetic boy has cost us?”

She heard herself laugh. “Yes, Lucius. We may yet win this war. Especially with what I now know.”

And deep inside of her transformed self - glamour and Imperius cursed - Hermione Granger screamed.

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