Title: Lost and Found (Part 9b)
PerfectlyLexy &
DreamtoCreatePairing: Scott Barringer/Peter Scarbrow
Rating/Warning etc: Eventually NC-17.
Summary: Despite knowing better, and Scott’s denial, Peter and Scott realize they have feelings for one another that transcend that of student and teacher. Perhaps the lost truly can be found.
Continued from
Lost and Found (Part 9a) "Peter," Hannah called softly in the darkness. She pointed through the trees to the edge of the lake where two figures were illuminated by moonlight.
He saw Scott and Shelby, his arm around the girl's shoulders. A sudden flash of...something, flared inside of him at seeing them so close together like that. Peter shook his head to shove the thoughts out of his mind and focus on the situation at hand. "Do you think he was able to open up a bit? Work through some of it?"
"With *Shelby*?" Hannah retorted, an understandable note of incredulity in her voice. Still, she thought, there was a relaxed pose to the pair of them that spoke of *something* that had passed between them. She had to wonder just what.
"You don't think they had sex do you?" he asked, his brow furrowed in concern.
She gazed at them, then shook her head. "No, I don't think so. Something tells me that pose is more friendly than loverly, Peter."
Peter smiled slightly crookedly over at her. "Do you think they realize they're going to get kitchen duty or something for being out here so late?"
She snorted. "I'm sure they're quite aware. Come on, let's stop standing here and retrieve our wayward Cliffhangers."
"All right, you two," Peter said as he came up behind them. By then they'd already been pulling away from one another and pushing themselves to their feet. "Time to get to the dorms." His gaze slide over to Scott, eying him closely to see if he was doing all right.
"I guess we're on kitchens, huh?" Scott offered up, looking rather amused at
that fact.
"With that attitude, I should put you on kitchens for the rest of your life," Peter retorted, smiling slightly. "But, since Hannah has said that I should go easy on you, I think I'll let you go with three days."
Scott shrugged. "With a talk with you on the side?"
He smiled wanly at that. "Oh, I'd almost guarantee it. Come on, let's get back."
They walked in silence, Scott hanging back with Shelby who seemed to have
withdrawn into herself once more. Hannah kept staring back, very aware once
again that something had changed. Not just in Scott, but with Shelby as well.
Shelby walked silently, her arms crossed over her stomach. When Scott bumped her shoulder with his, she glanced up at him, and he made a look up at Peter and Hannah, as if encouraging her to tell them...when she was ready. She winced and shrugged silently in response. The young woman wasn't quite sure she was ready to.
"Definitely something up between them," Hannah murmured softly to Peter. She
still had no belief that it was sexual, for all Shelby's shortcoming.
"We'll have to wait and see," he agreed, glancing over at the teens behind them. Slowly slightly, he glanced back at the teen. "Scott, why don't we let Hannah and Shelby go on and we'll go to the boy's dorm?"
"Sure," Scott agreed, a bit of his usual wariness creeping back onto his face. Shelby's eyes rolled as she walked ahead of them behind Hannah.
When Hannah and Shelby were out of earshot, he glanced over at Scott, searching his profile. "Are you all right?" he asked softly.
"I guess so. You know I overheard you and Hannah?"
"Yeah, we saw you running away." Peter paused as they walked for several silent moments. "I was going to tell you, Scott...I hope you realize that?"
"I know," he answered softly. "It doesn't matter. What my Dad thinks. It doesn't...matter."
That caused Peter to stop in his tracks, looking at Scott closely. "It doesn't?" he asked quietly, echoing the teens tone.
"No," he answered softly. "Shelby helped me realize that."
A crooked smile lit Peter's gaze slightly and he crossed his arms over his chest, mostly to keep himself from trying to pull Scott close into a hug. "I told you that you could learn from all of this...I'm glad I was right."
He shrugged, looking down at his feet. "What's our next move, then?"
"Now?" he asked softly, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "Now we wait and see what happens with the investigation. We take everything day by day, and we focus on classes and group and maybe a bit of football every now and again." Peter couldn't help but smile slightly at that last. "That is if you'll join me so I can find a way to win next time."
A very soft laugh escaped the younger man. "Good luck, Peter. I've kicked your ass ever sense we started our little games. What makes you think you can change that?"
Peter challenged at that, "What makes you think I can't? One of these days I'm going to have to win, because you can only wipe the field with me so many times before you wear yourself out."
"Keep telling yourself that," he retorted as they approached the dorms.
"I have to tell myself something to keep my hopes up," he quipped, stopping just outside the dorm and turning his gaze back to Scott.
Scott met his Counselor's gaze steadily. "Yeah, I suppose you do." In the semidarkness, they stood scarce inches apart. Something that struck a very
strange cord within the young man as they stood there, crickets chirping around them, frogs a soft counterpoint.
That look, Peter couldn't help but want to reach out and frame Scott's face with his hand, caressing his cheek. He didn't realize that he was fitting word to action at first. Even as he said softly, "It's all going to be all right, Scott. I promise."
He started at the touch, eyes wide. But it had felt...nice. Really nice.
"I know," he said softly, leaning in just that much and brushing his lips against Peter's. It was an unplanned out pouring of pure emotion and impulse that had him starting back for real this time.
For his part, Peter was just as floored and just as shocked. He stood there staring at Scott, not sure what to say...or do. "Scott..." he managed before the boy shook his head and all but ran inside. He wanted to follow Scott, to find out what was going on, to apologize; though why, considering he hadn't initiated the kiss, he wasn't sure.
He glanced around, half terrified that someone had seen the kiss, and would make more of it than it was...perhaps even report _him_. Fear, for more than one reason, clenched his heart. When he realized that no one had seen anything, relief caused him to relax slightly. However, that didn't explain what was going on between he and the teen, and that was what terrified him most of all.
Continued in
Lost and Found (Part 10a)