Title: Lost and Found (Part 11b)
PerfectlyLexy &
DreamtoCreatePairing: Scott Barringer/Peter Scarbrow
Rating/Warning etc: Eventually NC-17.
Summary: Despite knowing better, and Scott’s denial, Peter and Scott realize they have feelings for one another that transcend that of student and teacher. Perhaps the lost truly can be found.
Lost and Found (Part 11b) )
Comments 4
Sucks that they're sending her home anyway. Child Services are incredibly stupid most of the time. The interaction between Scott and Peter fits in well with everything that's going on between them, wonderful new chapter. Thank you! :)
I'm really loving this fic, and becoming increasingly frustrated that each part is so short *wink* But I guess, I must take the crumbs tossed to me, hmm? *hugs you both* Keep it up, you two!!
and poor Shelby...and this when my local channel just aired the episode where she went home (terrible...Scott was a complete basket case when he found out. Such a wonderful scene, heightened by the 'Romeo and Juliet' theme through the whole episode...I cried)
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