Title: Lost and Found (Part 12b)
PerfectlyLexy &
DreamtoCreatePairing: Scott Barringer/Peter Scarbrow
Rating/Warning etc: Eventually NC-17.
Summary: Despite knowing better, and Scott’s denial, Peter and Scott realize they have feelings for one another that transcend that of student and teacher. Perhaps the lost truly can be found.
Continued from
Lost and Found (Part 12a) "So, how is everyone doing?" Hannah asked as they settled in to their seats. All the chairs were situated in a circle and they all sat ready to do group. Or, that was the theory anyway.
There was a round of looks that plainly said 'What do you think?' before anyone spoke.
"We're missing someone," Katherine noted, more sarcastically than anything else. Out of the lot, Scott was pretty sure he was the only one who knew the entire story behind Shelby's leaving.
"Yeah, we are," Hannah agreed, nodding. "It seems that Shelby's step-father has cancer and her mother needed some help at home. So, she called her back."
"That's so sad," Jules murmured. Scott snorted softly.
The counselor smiled sadly over at Jules. "Why do you say that?"
"Well I don't think it would exactly not be sad to be losing someone. Even a step parent."
"And if it was yours, you'd care?" Scott asked, arching an eyebrow.
Juliette bit her lip. "That's different!"
Shaking her head, Kat came to Jule's defense, "You know, some people don't have to be related by blood in order to care for one another, Scott."
"And sometimes you just don't care about anyone," Auggie retorted.
"All right, everyone, no attacking each other in group. You know the rules," Hannah said, shaking her head in frustration at the kids. “The fact is Shelby is gone. We're working on trying to get her back, but we're not sure if that's going to happen. So, the Cliffhangers is down one member."
"Well it's not like we're going to replace her," Scott retorted, sharply.
Hannah glanced over at Scott sharply. "I didn't say we were, now did I?" she demanded.
"No. But I don't see why we have to talk about it. She'll be back," he added
stubbornly, head lifting slightly so he could meet Hannah's gaze.
"Because Shelby's leaving affects all of us, Scott. In different ways, but it does. I'm trying to give all of you a safe place to get those feelings out," she answered honestly.
"Alright then. How about 'I feel it sucks.'" Scott's attitude seemed back in full force.
Hannah would have sent him to Peter to deal with if the man in question didn't step into the room right then. "Have you warned them?" he asked with false cheerfulness.
She shook her head. "I didn't get a chance to."
"Warned us?" Auggie asked, gaze and tone completely suspicious.
"You're going out on quest," Peter retorted, smiling at the groans he heard coming from almost all those there.
"Why? Didn't we just *finish* one?" Juliet objected. She hated quests with a passion. Days and days without showers or real bathrooms.
"Almost a month ago, yes," he retorted.
Hannah smiled as her attention turned to them. "Well, at least a quest of this length. We're going to be gone for almost two weeks."
Another round of groans greeted that pronouncement.
"And what exactly are we doing?" Scott inquired directly of Peter.
"We're going to tame a mountain..."
Juliette stared at him as if he were crazy. "We're what?"
"We're going to tame a mountain," repeated Peter, smiling. "I'm going to teach you all the basics of mountaineering...and we're going for a climb."
"That's wack," Auggie muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. "Totally wack."
Peter lifted a brow, meeting his gaze steadily. "Perhaps. But it's what we're all going to do. And I promise...you'll like it in the end...or at least have a new appreciation for the mountains."
"And possibly end up dead," Scott noted dryly.
"Well, there is that," Peter agreed, teasing slightly as his eyes danced in amusement. "However, it's what we're doing. We'll all be leaving in the morning, so I suggest all of you get packed and ready to go."
There was a round of mock solutes as the group broke up. Scott rather thought they didn't have a chance. But for once, he kept that thought to himself.
Continued in
Lost and Found (Part 13a)