My review of the movie follows. It is spoiler free, but does discuss the movie (duh). If you would rather not know anything about it till you see it, skip this one.
If you go into Cloverfield expecting anything more than a monster movie, you are going to be sadly disappointed upon leaving the theater. This is not as bad as it sounds. Cloverfield does what it set out to do fairly well....tell the story of a huge ass monster tearing through NYC. That being said, there isn't much else to see here.
All the actors in the film are unknowns, but still do a passable job in their roles. Of course all of them suffer from that greatest of horror movie clichés, complete and utter brain death when it comes to staying out of danger. "What's that? You say there's a homicidal maniac butchering co-eds down by the lake....I think I'll go for a swim!"
One thing I was very surprised to see in the film is that it does push our buttons from 9-11. There are a couple of scenes where you will be shocked at what you're seeing. I thought they did it pretty well.
The monster looks nice. It looks like it really could be tear-assing around NYC. I only recall one place where I thought the animation looked a little hokey. About half way into the movie you see...well I won't spoil it here, but they were damn scary to me.
Overall the film delivers a few real OH SHIT! moments, and enough humor to break the tension in the right spots. Is it the second coming of monster flicks? No. Is it a good way to lose yourself in suspension of disbelief for a few hours? Yes.
Final score:
3 and a half sticky shoes out of 5
P.S. This score only applies if you see it in theaters. If you wait for home video (unless you have a big honkin home theater system) the movie will lose about 60% of what works for it.
P.P.S. This movie is loud. You may want to bring ear really. I have sat through Blade, Tomb Raider, X-men, all three star wars, and this is louder than all of them...combined.
P.P.P.S. The movie is filmed in vomit cam, ala Blair witch. If you had problems with that movie in theaters, you will likely have problems with this one.