Title: The Queen
Summary: Response to the prompt "Remus; the Moon" by
shinysparksCharacters/Pairings: Remus Lupin
Genre: Gen, Angst
Beta: Un-betaed.
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 317
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure
Sometimes Remus wished he could feel nothing. It was a coward desire, an impossible dream. He could feel everything. The bite had killed a part of him and filled the void with a new creature. And this creature could feel the world, he could hear the subtle, humanly undetectable noises of the night, smell the rotting, perishing flowers and taste the life of its food. And worst of all, it could feel the moon at any time.
Sometimes it was bright and wonderful, a majestic cruel queen, high on her throne. And Remus had no mother then, no other maternal figure but that sphere standing above him, unreachable. He feared her greatly. He felt her power on his blood. It boiled with an intensity no teenager could control. The beast within him growled in excitement and when the queen was beautiful and full it shed Remus to pieces, leaving a wild animal in his place.
Sometimes the moon was dim, covered by clouds, barely noticeable. But still he could felt it, not as strong as other nights, but still there like a ghost that would not move on. Even when it was not visible, when the sun shone fiercely, he could still feel it on him, as some sort of backpack he could not get rid of, some luggage that weighed him down, sinking him.
And as years passed by he never stopped feeling the moon. He got used to it, repressing the wolf instincts and everything that it came with it.
It was only on the night he died, on that infinitesimal moment when he started to see the darkness surrounding him and swallowing everything, that he appreciated the beauty of the moon again.
“Goodbye, old friend,” he mouthed, voice too weak to produce any sound.
And the moon shone brightly for a moment, just for him, and then it turned grim behind stormy clouds. It mourned too.