Name: Mary
Age: 20
1.Why would you like to join Hogwarts Home? Will you participate in both the process of sorting new applicants and the sub-communities one you have been sorted?
- I’d like to join Hogwarts Home because I’ve always liked sorting and being sorted. (I remember when my friend Eriel introduced me to being rated/sorted. She said it would be fun, and hence it became addicting.) I shall try to participate in both sorting and try my skills at the sub-communities because I also know I have a great amount of pride in whatever House I’m sorted in. I like the feeling of glory after winning the Cup. =P There are more reasons listed in question #20. See you when you get there!
2. Have you read all 6 of the Harry Potter books? Which book was your favorite and why?
- Yes I have read all 6 Harry Potter books; each several times. My favorite one is The Goblet of Fire. This is because when the book was first published, it was the year 2000. I had just graduated from Junior High, and I was being thrusted into another world; the world known as High School. All of Ms. Rowling’s books are well-written with its usual plot twists and character Jekylls and Hydes, but Harry’s perspectives in GOF had matured a bit and what he and his mates were going through, I was going through as well. People started to care about how they looked. Who they hung out with. What status they held. Crushes became serious. I definitely can relate to Harry each time he blushed in the presence of Cho. When you like someone, you are completely besides yourself. (I confess I‘m STILL like that) "Wannagoballwimme?" I shook my head and said to myself, "I did that!" From then on, the drama intensifies because we're all so aware of what others are capable of. I’m quite aware of the power of emotion.
And secondly, the Triwizard Tournament was like the cherry on top of the ice cream. I love all the Harry Potter books, but the introduction of the Tournament in the 4th year was out of the norm of the books. (as I'm predicting with the last installment of Harry Potter) There was no annual school Quidditch Cup, instead it was the Quidditch WORLD Cup. And besides the usual race for the House Cup, there was the competition between other wizarding schools. I admit I have a fascination with cultures & languages. I speak about 5 currently. I love learning others' beliefs, traditions and way of life because I find beauty in differences.
3. What character do you most relate to? Why?
- The character that I most relate to is that of Cedric Diggory. While I relate to certain characters in the story, their traits seem to be a bit more extreme than mine. I strive for balance of my virtues and vices. This usually leads other people to think I’m a Mary-Sue, but again, I don’t care what others think as long as what I’m doing is right, AND I confess I make mistakes just like any other person. (I’m just too prideful to admit a lot of the time) The first reason I relate most to Cedric Diggory is because of his sense of chivalry. I also relate to Cedric because he was portrayed as well-rounded, and liked by most. I’m the type of person that can get along with almost anyone because I first and foremost respect them. His father, like my own parents, have great pride in my accomplishments. They expect much from me. But whenever I’m praised/complimented, I’d just smile, bite down my ego because I don’t want it getting any bigger (lol), and humbly accept what comes my way. Cedric's humility as well as his leadership qualities are reminiscent of my personality. I don't ask to lead. Many times, the position is just given to me by my peers. And being dutiful to them (especially because their belief in me), I would not want to let them down. He was kind to all, sweet and very fair. And just like him, I can be too self-less for my own good.
4. Who is your least favorite character? Why?
- “Ignorance is not always bliss.”
My least favorite character is Cornelius Fudge. Along with his associating himself with people that he thought mattered, (considering one’s wallet size, power and authority), he was dense enough to not see the bigger picture. His blind faith in the dementors and refusal to listen to Dumbledore’s advice (of which he had asked for), cost him his job in the end. I find him to be pompous and arrogant. He even went as far as to manipulate the press and the public against Harry and Dumbledore so as others would not realize what danger they could be in if the Dark Lord had returned. I guess Fudge just figured that if he refused to believe it was true, it wouldn’t be. Chosen ignorance for me is unacceptable. The only little respect I can give him is the fact that he admitted to his mistake in the end. But that itself wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t seen Voldemort with his own eyes. (Does someone have to see to believe?) I find this fault of his almost unforgivable because the wizarding world as well as the Muggle world was in danger. He was selfish, and only thought of himself. And as the Minister of Magic, leader and representative of the Magical world, he had a duty to protect and lead the people. He put so many in danger.
5. What part of the series would you change if you were J.K Rowling? Why?
- In all honesty, I wouldn’t change any part of the series. If the story were written in another way, I’m afraid it might lose its magic and its certain appeal and grasp on the reader. And besides, she’s finding her footing as an author on her own. She’s established her own name because her characters are understandable; Unique. And her stories are so intricately woven for a purpose that the reader won’t realize until the right time of the plot. But if I were her, as long as it’s MY story and it’s coming about the way that I myself am happy with, I couldn’t care less if I should change a certain aspect or ending. I’m the captain of the ship, and it goes wherever I want it to lead.
6. If you were Headmaster/Mistress at Hogwarts, what changes would you make? Why?
- If I was the Headmistress of Hogwarts, the only change I’d really make after following dear Dumbledore’s example, is that I’d invite Beauxbatons and Durmstrang to come over more often or have something like a foreign exchange student program. As I mentioned of my fascination with trying new things, languages, different cultures etc., I want to expose my students to not only learning magic as we do at Hogwarts, but learning to see how other schools teach it as well. I want them to realize that the world of magic does not revolve around just our school and that unity with the whole magical world is a great advantage and a beautiful thing.
7. If you were faced with a boggart what would you see?
- If I was faced with a boggart, I would most likely see someone I love either being tortured or left for dead. My greatest fear is not my own suffering, but those that I care about the most. It’s the feeling of being powerless; that there’s nothing I can do to stop or lessen the pain they’re going through. And if it were left up to me, I’d rather be in their position if it meant their well-being. I like knowing that I have the power to do things. And the feeling even at the thought of this boggart is as if I were locked up in a cage. Unable to roam free because I’m used to putting their happiness and safety before my own.
8. What are your top 3 positive traits that you feel define you? Why?
[1] My strength -- I was born the oldest in my family. Being the oldest brings many heavy responsibilities. I have expectations on my shoulders. To be an A student. To take care of my sisters. To ‘uphold family honor.’ To be a successful professional etc. The strength of heart, soul and mind is the first trait I would say defines me because I need this trait most of all. It gives you the power and will to be who you are. I strive to be a pillar of strength for my younger sisters, for my friends and for my family. To be protective. To be a rock. Steady. Reliable. A shoulder to lean on. I believe the strong uphold the weak. My strength of heart is not for myself, but for others.
[2] Self-righteousness -- The choices I make are defined by their moral standing. It’s not a question of who or what is evil or good, but rather what is wrong or right. I’m a very religious person, and I have strong faith in God. I don’t believe that the tragedies in the world are because they’re punishments etc. but rather I see that they’re consequences of the choices we make.
[3] Understanding -- My understanding makes me smart. It makes me able to connect to people on an emotional, physical and mental level. I consider myself an empath. With just one look, one act, I can tell whether someone is sad, happy, thoughtful, hurt etc. This is because I want to understand the motivations of people. Where do their emotions come from? And once I know this, I’m able to bring myself closer to them. When my 13 year old sister cries, I like knowing that I’ve matured and have grown from her state. I remember that kind of pain, and I since I understand where she’s coming from, I try to help her with what I’ve learned with my own experiences. And how can one learn without first being able to understand a lesson that is taught?
9. What are 3 negative traits that you feel hinder you?
[1] Pride -- I admit that I have great pride in my independence and my accomplishments. This I guess is rooted from me being the oldest again. I’m the pioneer of the family, and I’m not used to asking for help in situations where I know I can do things on my own. Sometimes I still feel like I’m babied by my family, and whenever this happens, I get resentful in wondering whether why I have not proven myself capable in their eyes. And whenever I make a mistake, I have this need to undo it myself or learn from it myself. I can think of a few people I care about that have tried to open my heart that I don’t have to be the “strong” one all the time. I’m aloud to make mistakes, and asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It’s only human that I’m not perfect, and that those that love me unconditionally wouldn’t care of my flaws anyway.
[2] Sentimental -- I have a hard time letting go. I have the hardest time saying goodbye. This is rooted from my mother's side of the family lives half a world away from me. I see them when I can. And despite any age differences we might have, we're all still there for each other whether we're on the same continent or not. The memories I have made with them, as well as those yet to be made...whenever I leave them, or whenever someone close leaves me, I feel as if a part of me goes with them and I'm left with this certain empty space in my heart. And I try to hold on to that special feeling they give me as long as I can.
[3] daydream believer -- whenever I escape into the worlds that authors or musicians or painters have created, I have a hard time keeping my feet on the ground because this world is perfect in my eyes. Things happen the way you want them to happen. You see things the way you want to see them. You are able to choose the outcome or the meaning behind each lyric or brushstroke or chapter. And when this happens to me, I have to keep reminding myself that reality is calling me. I cannot make the world now the way I want it to be, but meanwhile, I can do what I can. And if I keep on escaping reality through these daydreams, I'll lose that ability to make a difference because I'm running away from the world I can actually make the real difference in.
10. Please tell us why you should or should not be placed in each of the four houses.
GRYFFINDOR -- I am bravely endearing when I have to be. I want to live life with no regrets, so I am also adventuresome and fun-loving. I want to have experienced as much as I could of life. I want to be able to look back at my life laughing & remembering some time I did something utterly stupid. Remembering a time I might have done something I would not do now with maturity and wisdom at my side. But even in old age, I wish to live "youthfully" with vigor and conviction. I am strong willed and protective of the ones I care about. I aspire to make a difference. I have much responsibility and expectations that are on my shoulders. I want to be a good example to my younger cousins and siblings. I'm looked up to. I don't want to let them down.
I shouldn’t be placed in Gryffindor because I don’t normally act on impulse. I’m very emotional and can get reckless when driven by emotion, but otherwise, I’m rather calm, cool and collected. I like knowing that it’s my head and logical thinking that can prevent me from getting hurt emotionally and physically. (of which I’ve seen can happen when one acts without thinking)
HUFFLEPUFF -- I am kind-hearted. Immensely just and fair. I make my decisions and judgments on a right and wrong basis. It is my code of honor. Honor is a word that has I always try to uphold for myself as well as my family name. I am also very empathetic. I can feel what others are feeling whether or not I know them. I don't know how else to describe this in my daily life. It just is as it is. With my kindness, I hope that maybe it has passed on to others. I see many people's emotions are contagious whether it be anger, happiness or sadness.
I shouldn’t be placed in Hufflepuff because there are times wherein I like being on my own. Hufflepuffs have a sense of community and togetherness. I admit that I like being alone at times to recollect thoughts etc. I need moments time alone. If not, I think I’d lose my sanity. I come from a big family, and we’re a rather close and rambunctious group. But I’ve strayed away from them to get away from the craziness and drama.
RAVENCLAW -- Intelligence. I am very intellectual knowing bits and pieces of everything from languages to Greek mythology to the mating rituals of a rhino. I read MUCH when I was younger. I am also witty and wise. I can predict certain things before they happen because of my sense of observance. I also have quite a logical and practical mind. I'm killer in debates not because I try to prove the person wrong, (that is not the point in a debate anyway) but rather I usually attack at all sides. I prepare myself for what my opponent might say and retaliate from there. I'm not afraid to have my voice heard not because I feel as if I'm superior or better, but I want other people to question things. I want other people maybe follow my example and not be ashamed of their own beliefs; of who they are.
I shouldn’t be placed in Ravenclaw because I’m a procrastinator and my thirst for learning only goes as far as what motivates me. I’m curious, but I’d rather take things into my own pace. All the things I learn, I want to learn so that I can help others. And my secondary purpose in learning is so that I don’t fail at the social life. I don’t want my conversations with other people boring and predictable.
SLYTHERIN -- I am cunning in a way that I know how and when to get what I want. (I try to do this without hurting anyone if I can get away with it) I am also outspoken at times when I feel there is an injustice being done to myself or others. Because of my understanding of people, I have the power to manipulate others, but I suggest that thou readest the next question before I ramble on....
11. Which of the four houses do you feel you are least suited for? Why?
- Given the choice, the House I feel as if I could never belong in is Slytherin. This is because Slytherins have a thirst for power & recognition. (And I know they are usually successful in achieving both) While I strive to make a difference, I do not look for recognition. Rather, I find being anonymous and mysterious in this sense very appealing. I just want to matter. I know myself to be ambitious, but not at the expense of others. We each have our goals. We work hard or find the simplest means of reaching them depending on our personalities. It's just our nature. I see the serpents as cunning, manipulative and clever in the aspects of their drive. I'm more witty, forthright and vivacious about how to achieve my dreams.
12. If you could place one memory in a Pensieve, what would it be? Why?
- The first memory that comes to mind was a moment in my debut. When a Filipino girl turns 18, she celebrates her birthday ‘extravagantly.’ This is called her debut. She is now seen as a lady. At this celebration, I was to give 18 candles to the most influential women in my life. For the men, I give them a dance and either I offer a rose in his honor or he offers one to me.
When I was 16, just a Junior in High School, I fell for a boy that I never thought I’d fall for. Until today, I know that I’m in love with him. He attended my debut. He was one of my roses. He has helped learn and grow so much. He tested how bold I could be; pushed my guts to the limits so to speak. He tested my traditions and beliefs. He simply makes me happy. I don’t know who I would be without him. The moment I’d put in the Pensieve would be our dance together. He kissed my hand when he offered me a rose. And our last dance…I apologize if I’m irking you out with romance, but when I was in his arms, I had forgotten where I was. The whole world faded away. It was just him and me. I’d like to remember this feeling. It was beautiful.
13. Many say our choices are what make us unique. How easily do you make choices? Do you often regret those choices later?
- I can make choices quite easily when there’s that right/wrong factor. I think often to myself, if I make this choice, what consequences are at stake? Is someone going to get hurt? Am I committing a sin if I make this choice? And ultimately, the question I ask myself is whether or not I’m going to regret the decision later. Another fear of mine is living life with regret; a certain nagging voice that says I should have listened to my heart and followed. And because I ask myself whether or not I’ll regret it, I have very few regrets in my life. And I’ll NEVER go back on my mistakes. I made them for a reason. It’s pointless regretting them. Why if we all regret the mistakes we make, the world would be quite foreboding.
BUT when this choice I’m making involves great emotion, such as my love for someone, it’s harder for me to make because my emotions are very powerful, and I usually try to fight it from blinding me to the bigger picture.
14. Which of the four Hogwarts Founders (Rowena Ravenclaw, Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff) which would you be most interested to meet and why?
- Out of all four of the Founders, I confess the one I’d be most interested in meeting is Sir Salazar Slytherin. He’s a mysterious character in mine eyes. Elusive. Subtle. Cunning. Smart. And to be able to meet him and try to understand how the wheels in his mind click and whirl is like a wanted tabloid exclusive. Why is he the way he is? Did he have a tragic past? He was Godric’s best friend. What did the friendship mean to him? Why does being a pureblood matter in being taught magic? Was it so bad of a disagreement that he left the school?
15. What do you feel makes Hogwarts so magical?
- I believe what makes Hogwarts so magical is the aura of another world. I can just imagine being 11. Receiving a letter saying that a world that I’ve read about in books and watched in movies is actually real. It’s the fact that this is a place where magic is taught. Magic thrives. It’s not something supernatural, but something natural that we were taught to believe isn’t so. I like finding loopholes in society’s so-called norms. I don’t like to be defined by them.
It’s also the fact that there is the unity and healthy competition between the 4 Houses at Hogwarts. While I’d be naturally sorted into one House, it’s fun to know that I represent something. I stand for something. This House is not necessarily a stereotype of only the brave, the intelligent, the loyal and the cunning, but rather this House I was put in is the House which will nurture my virtues, teach my vices and help me use my abilities to the best I can be.
16. The Second war between Light and Dark is taking place; who do you think will win the final battle? Why do you feel this way?
- “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” -- Edmund Burke
This answer is linked to my appreciation of self-righteousness. There technically is no “second war” because the war between Light and Dark have always been since the beginning. And I have and will always believe that the light will conquer the darkness because the darkness is only temporary. A shadow cannot thrive without light. And as long as there are people who are willing to make a difference, to stand up for what they believe in, then evil’s outmaneuvered because those like Voldemort only really care about themselves. They are selfish, bitter and lonely people. Those who are warriors of light have a higher purpose. They are able to see the bigger picture because of the face they have a wider range or people to care about and protect. There are many forces that drive the dark; one of the main things being hate. Those who are good are driven by unconditional love; a love with no limits or conditions. They’re both powerful forces, but love has this beautiful and amazing aura about it that makes it stronger or else why would people revere and fear it so much?
17. What is your favorite spell in the Potter Universe? Why?
- My favorite spell would have to be Lumos. Darkness can be intimidating. You can't see what's in front of you. What's behind you. You rely on only 4 other senses. When one sensation is unavailable to you, it makes you more vulnerable. Again, I don't like feeling powerless. I appreciate my keen eye sight. With Lumos, that can be easily available to you. And in a figurative way, we each have our own 'Lumos' in our lives whether it be people or a hobby or a memory. When things get dark in our lives, we need something to find the light again.
18. If you were given the opportunity to own and run one shop in Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade, what would it be? Why?
- I thought about my answer to this question, and the initial answer I had is the same as when I first read it. If I were given the opportunity to own and run any shop in Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade, I’d abdicate the offer because I don’t see myself in anything business type. It takes a lot of planning and organizing. A lot of money-making and money owing etc. It’s a lot of employee/people pleasing. The responsibilities of being “the boss” is something I’ve never lusted for. It’s a life I can’t ever see myself leading because I know the skills I have don’t lie within that area. I honestly like being able to do deeds anonymously and/or behind the scenes. I like having the ability to make a seen or tangible difference if you may. I like doing things with my hands. (if I had a job in the Potter Universe, I’d choose to be either an Auror or a Healer) I like not having such a demanding position that it might hinder be able to spend time with a family I’d most likely have.
19. From reading the first book, we know Harry was almost placed in Slytherin. If you were the Sorting Hat which of the four houses would you have placed him?
- I still would have placed him in Gryffindor because as I mentioned in question 15, the House we are placed in nurtures our virtues, compliments our vices and helps us grow best understand ourselves. I certainly see the Slytherin qualities he has in himself with the thirst to prove himself etc., but at the same point, I believe the thirst is because of the fact that he has the past he has. His parents are dead. His godfather is dead. His mentor is dead. And this thirst to prove himself is not that he is capable but rather it’s in the memory of those he loved and that he was worth their lives. They all died to save him. His fierce loyalty and valuing of this love that they had for them ultimately makes him a Gryffindor.
20. There are many wonderful sorting communities on Livejournal; Why would you like to be a part of Hogwarts Home? Have you read and understood all the rules?
- Let’s answer this backwards shall we? Hehe. Yes I have read and understood the rules. I believe I’ve answer in #1 why I’d like to be part of it. No need to repeat myself. I love the closeness and personal quality of this sorting community comparing it to one other sorting community I’m in which is quite impersonal and just blah-there. I also am quite fascinated and appreciate of the elaborative reasons why you’d sort me into the House I’m meant to be in.
21. How did you hear about Hogwarts Home? If it was a member please give their name so they can earn points.
I know of Hogwarts Home because of dear Scottyboy (
whos_botj) who is a Hufflepuff here as well as dear Ate Jewel (
fierytempest) who was sorted into Ravenclaw.
22. Would you like to tell us anything else about yourself?
I’m outgoing to counter my natural shyness. I'm falling in love. I adore horse-back riding. The water is my home. If I could, I’d be a Jedi Knight; a guardian of peace and justice who can wield a mighty mean lightsaber. Haha! I love singing. I have a minor case of arachnophobia. I’m diagnosed with “runner’s high.” I have a weakness for guys + guitars and foreign accents. And I can’t wait to hear what you have to say about me. =) Thanks for taking the time to read my application.