SUBJECT LINE: Stamped as Character Name: Branches of Magic Application
Name:House:Previous Stamps: Animagus Form (if applicable): - List your two most defining positive traits and explain why you chose them.
- List your two most defining negative traits and explain why you chose them.
- What were/are your favorite classes at school? Were they the classes you found the easiest, or did you enjoy a good challenge?
- Which Harry Potter character's work ethic do you admire and why?
- What is your dream job? Do you work in that field? If not, why?
- What are your hobbies, and what skills do those hobbies bring into play?
- What clubs or activities would you have joined at Hogwarts?
- Are you more apt to stand up for someone else or to only look out for yourself?
- What would you say you are most passionate about in your life?
- How do you react to stress? Are you calm, cool, and collected, or do you lose your mind?
- If you could travel anywhere in the world- Muggle or Magical- where would you go and what would you do?
This or That['Both' is allowed if you can't choose. Feel free to elaborate.]- Practical vs. Theoretical
- Visual vs. Auditory
- Traditionalist vs. Progressive
- Patient vs. Impatient
- Introverted vs. Extroverted
VOTERS: Please refer to the">list of Branches of Magic when voting on this application!
Broomology: outdoorsy, focused, intelligent, calculating, loves to travel, quick-witted, adventurous
Dark Magic: multi-faceted, determined, solitary, vengeful, secretive, self-serving, smart
Earth Magic: down-to-earth, intuitive, warm, tranquil, patient, dependable
Household Magic: practical, nurturing, family-oriented, hard-working, good time management, traditional
Love Magic: romantic, affectionate, sensual, flirty, daydreamer, cheerful, ethereal
Magizoology: curious, brave, adventurous, bold, friendly, chatty
Medical Magic: compassionate, meticulous, nurturing, thick-skinned, intelligent, logical, organized
Mental Magic: introspective, analytical, introverted, intuitive, withdrawn, sensitive
Time Magic: adventurous, cerebral, intricate, delicate, manipulative, quick-witted, chaotic
Wandlore: creative, organized, mysterious, complex, methodical, fatalistic, attentive to detail
Weather Magic: adaptable, complex, unpredictable, chaotic, fickle, natural, tempestuous