Title: Draco Malfoy's Very Secret Diary
Rating/Warnings: G
Characters/Pairing: Draco Malfoy
Summary: The very secret diaries of Draco Malfoy, age 11.
Word Count: 1132
Author's Notes: Borrowed heavily from Cassandra Claire's Very Secret Diaries series. Thanks to the Lexicon's calendar for the PS timeline!
Registered purchases?: Both!
June 5, 1991
Dear Diary,
Father says all famous people have biographies. He also says that now that I am eleven, I should start thinking about my future.
Here in these pages is where a record of my rise to Minister of Magic begins. Eleven will be my best year yet!
Father says I shouldn't color outside the lines anymore either.
I want my Hogwarts letter now. Father says Harry Potter will be in Hogwarts too. I wonder what he's like. I bet he's worried. Father hasn't said it, but he thinks it'll be good if I made friends with him. I agree. I think he'll be my best friend.
June 6, 1991
Dear Diary,
I received my Hogwarts letter yesterday. Unfortunately, it did not say I could be Sorted into Slytherin right away, even though Father already asked Dumbledore ahead of time.
Stupid Dumbledore.
Mother says we'll be buying my books soon.
June 15, 1991
Dear Diary,
Father says "Diary" is a silly name to call you, so I'm changing your name.
I should also not tell Father what I write in you anymore.
Dobby says there's a spell he can use to make sure what I write here stays secret. I took him up on that offer and now only I can read what I write here!
We're going to Diagon Alley in two weeks. It's too long!
July 31, 1991
Dear Harry,
How do you like your new name?
I got everything I needed today. It's a lot of stuff but Dobby carried them all. He's useful that way. I got my wand--unicorn hair I love unicorns! and hawthorn wood. It looks very regal although I had hoped for something like dragonstring or phoenix feather. But Ollivander's is the best at them.
I also got an owl. I'm calling him Hyperion. It's a nice name, isn't it?
I go to Hogwarts tomorrow. I'm looking forward to being in Slytherin! Father's told me so much about it. He thinks Harry Potter might not be in my house, but I think he'll be friends with me.
September 1, 1991
Dear Harry Diary,
Your old name was stupid. How do you like your new name?
I met Harry Potter today.
He's a bit of an arse, really, is what he is.
He's ugly too.
I was Sorted into Slytherin, like I thought!
Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini are in my house, like Father said. So are Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle.
Pansy Parkinson was Sorted into Slytherin too. Urgh. I can't stand her.
I really wanted to be his best friend.
September 6, 1991
Dear Diary,
Harry Potter is stupid at potions. That Muggleborn friend of his, Granger, knows too much.
I don't know why Muggles don't use any spells on their hair. Hers can use a bit of work.
Still not Harry Potter's best friend.
September 12, 1991
Dear Diary,
Harry Potter can fly, but he's getting in trouble for it!
Father will be so proud.
I told him to meet me tonight too, for a duel.
He'll probably show up because he's such a Gryffindor.
I've told Filch.
This will be so much fun.
October 31, 1991
Dear Diary,
Halloween was disrupted today by a troll attack.
I have written Father informing him of such an attack, and he will be sure to write the board of governors for Hogwarts.
November 9, 1991
Dear Diary,
We lost in Quidditch. Harry Potter was allowed to play; first years are never allowed to play! But McGonagall is a Gryffindor Head of House so obviously she's let him and even bought him his broom.
Father will hear about this.
I want to play Quidditch.
Stupid Potter. Why does he get to play before I do? That's pretty wicked, actuall
December 23, 1991
Dear Diary,
I came back home for the holidays.
Good riddance, won't be seeing Potter in a while.
December 25, 1991
Dear Diary,
I bet Harry Potter's Christmas is nowhere as fun as mine is!
I bet he didn't even receive presents. I hear his Muggle family hates him. I hear they put him in a cupboard.
I really like the new broom Father gave me. And Mum got me new robes and more sweets. I'm glad she listened to me when I wrote to tell her she hadn't been sending me enough care packages.
Take that, Potter.
December 26, 1991
Dear Diary,
I wonder what Harry Potter's doing right now.
January 6, 1992
Dear Diary,
I don't want to go back to school. Urgh. Pansy tried to sit with me in the train today and Father says I can't call her ugly to her face anymore, so I have to play nice.
I really don't want to.
I think Theodore Nott likes her, but any time I say that, he just glares at me.
He kind of scares me.
May 10, 1992
Dear Diary,
Harry Potter lost his House tons and tons and tons of points! I knew he was stupid. Maybe now he'll be my frie
June 1, 1992
Dear Diary,
Today is the first day of exams. I guess Professor Dumbledore heeded my letter when I wrote to inform him my birthday is on the 5th, and as such, he ought to make sure we wouldn't have exams then.
But I don't want to be revising before my birthday!
I think I topped Charms for sure though. It was easy.
June 2, 1992
Dear Diary,
Aced Herbology. Aced Potions. Top of the class for sure. Not even Granger can stop me!
If I'm smarter than Granger, will that make Harry like me?
June 3, 1992
Dear Diary,
Transfiguration was so hard, what is McGonagall thinking? pretty easy. I'm confident I topped that.
June 4, 1992
Dear Diary,
I don't know why History of Magic is even a class. Anyway, I aced that too.
June 5, 1992
Dear Diary,
Mother sent me plenty of sweets, and a new set of robes, and she told me she's taking me to France this summer!
Father sent me a ring. He says it's the family ring. It's kind of boring. I'm honored to have it. He says he might get me a new broom this summer if I do really well in my exams, which I told him I did.
What are you giving me for my birthday?
June 6, 1992
Dear Diary,
Harry Potter is in the hospital. I hope he's okay. Gryffindor lost to Ravenclaw. The House Cup is still Slytherin's!
Best birthday present ever!
June 8, 1992
Dear Diary,
We lost the Cup. To Gryffindor. Because of Harry Potter and his dumb friends. Dumbledore can't just do that! My father will hear about this!
Worst birthday present ever.
June 11, 1992
Dear Diary,
Hermione. Granger. Topped. Every. Single. Exam.
Father will kill me.
This is not fair. Not fair at all.
Worst birthday present ever ever ever!
I hate being twelve.
Word count points: 1132/30 = 38 36 pts
Bonus points: 10 pts
Evy//Ravenclaw//46 points for Ravenclaw!