stolen survey of boredom? YES!

Jan 01, 2005 20:34

1.Your name: katie

2.Do you feel your name fits you? its just a name

3.What are your nicknames? kak attack, teekay, kate, katie bugg

4.Where do you live? pukelid

5.Do you like it there? why would i like it here? only cuz i love my friends

6.Do you like to travel? depends on where im going.

7.When is your birthday? august 17th bitch! remember that.

8.Do you have any siblings? a brother and 2 sister

9.Do you have any pets?  yeah, it would be weird not haveing any. kujo 1 and kujo 2 beacuse there both killer psycho dogs. watch out.

10.Which was the happiest year of your life? haha. who gives a fuck, I LOVE LIFE

11.How old do you wish you were? 17, old enough to drive, but still youthful cuz i cant buy ciggarettes yet.

12.A movie is being played about your life.Who would you cast to be you? i dont really give a fuck.

13.Who would you cast to play your significant others (if you have no significant others cast someone anyway)? ORLANDO BLOOM deffinatley.

14.How would this movie end? how would i know? im not dead yet.

15.Is it better to be famous or infamous? famous and rich.

16.Your going to die a natural death.What is the cause? hopefully ill just be old.

17.Your going to die a sudden,tragic death.What is the cause? im gunna get brutally murdered

18.How long do you plan on living? uhh at least 70

19.What was the last song you got stuck in your head? hahah ashlee simpson cuz thats the song i heard before the ball dropped last night.

20.Sing any commercial jingle. its a jingle for goldifish, the cripsy crunchy goldfish, the wholesome snack that smiles back until you bite there heads off. look the fish are swimming, hey the pretzels winning, the snack.. that smiles back.. GOLDFISH!

21.What is your element on the periodical table? um, i like potassium

22.Sunrise or Sunset? sunset is much more romantic.

23.Introvert or extrovert? introvert i guess

24.Creation or Evolution? uh, evolution, its amazing what things can become.

25.Action or Reaction? action

26.Unity or Individuality? both can be good, but when your being and individual just to fit in, then thats just bullshit.

27.Hugs or Drugs? depends who im hugging or what drug it is

28.Animal,vegetable,or mineral? i like mineral water. but i love animals. if thats even what the question means..

29.Popcycle,Creamcycle,Fudgecycle? FUDGESICLES WILL ALWAYS BE BETTER THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD. even zebra cakes.

30.Fight or Flight? um, fight?

31.Who is your favorite historical figure? your great grandma.

32.Which historical figure could we have done with out? your great great uncle.

33.What happened in the last dream you remember? haha.... im ruthless in my dreams. you dont even wanna know

34.Do nice guys really finish last? actually, in my world, they do... because for some reason i attract to the BIGGEST assholes i can find.

35.What are your favorite boy names? bryan, adam, jaden

36.What are your favorite girl names? kirsten, summer, nicole

37.White bread or Wheat? white

38.Open or Closed? open, but only in the right situation.

39.Is it better to burn out than fade away? yeah, like, love related id rather just be burnt at the stake right then and there, then just slowly drift away.

40.You put a toy in a toy machine.What comes out? what the fuck? are you retarded? shouldnt it be you put a quarter in a toy machine or something? how do you put a toy in a toy machine?

41.What do you want to be when you grow up? i dont really give a fuck. maybe a vet. something with animals.

42.What were your favorite childhood toys? anything i didnt have to share. i liked to play barbies alone, or with my 4 year old male cousin. haha

43.What was your first pet? kujo 1, (cassie) still have that nigga. shes old as fuck.

44.What annoys you? little fucking bitches that become obsessed with the wrong person and are all like OMG I EFFING HEART YOU YOU ARE SO HOT EVEN THOUGH IVE ONLY KNOW YOU FOR 2 MONTHS! yeah. i hate girls pretty much.

45.What was your favorite action caption from the old t.v. show "Batman" (e.x "bam" or "pow"): uhh.. i didnt really watch batman, it was all about my little pony.

46.How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?? depends how slow of an eater you are, or how much of a whore.

47.The glass...half empty or full? depends what mood im in, right now half empty.

What are your thoughts on...

48.Titie Whities.? if its a hot guy in an underwear commercial im SO on it.

49.Mc'Donald happy meal toys? i still play with those bitches

50.Gummi bears or worms? gummie bears

51.Reality shows? um, some of them are okay, like A.N.T.M only because i swear even tho im the ugly duckling i AM destined to be a model. and real world sometimes and battle of the sexes.

52.Would you rather sky dive or deep sea dive? both sound really cool

53.Paper or Plastic? um, plastic can kill you, and paper gives you cuts. so fuck both of them. i pick alluminum

54.What position do you sleep in? um, i hug my body pillow because it gives me security and thats just how i fall asleep.

55.Do you sleep on the left,right,or in the middle of the bed? middle

56.Sweet or Sour? Sweet

57.What was your favorite after-skool special? buffy!!!!!

58.What is your favorite word? FUCK

59.Beach or Mountains? beach

60.Mounds or Almond Joy? there both ill as fuck
61.Do YOU feel like a nut? yeah, after last night, i bet everyone things im a fucking nutcase.

62.To receive or give? i like receiving but only if i gave something first.

63.Carmel or Chocolate? chooclate

64.Do you have any nicknames? yes

65.What does your name mean? umm there just cool names other than kt.

66.Have you ever fainted? yes

67.Have you ever hade a crush on a school teacher? 4th grade i had the same sub for like a month cuz my teacher was sick as fuck, he was fucking hot.

68.What was the last thing you ate? chocolate cake

69.Do you have any bad habbits? being a control freak


What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word...

72.Peach...lemon? haha wtf i donno
74.Bullet...bullseye. DIISSSSTILLLLAAAASSSS yes!
75.Fire...water. alcohollll yes!
76.Glove...i wore some last night

79.What is your first happy memory? first time me and bryan kissed, it was in the parking lot of marcs and we just saw dumb and dumberer(stupidest movie ever) and we were saying goodbye and we just ahh kissed then he rode off on his skateboard to the skatepark. then i walked home with ryan oddo, jm, and christian *blushes* heh im such a sap.

80.What is your first unhappy memory? dont even wanna talk about it.

81.If you could visit any time period when would it be? DEFFINATLEY the 80's or the 50's

82.What would your mom do? about what..?

83.Make up a word and define it. jank-to get played.

84.favorite kool-aid flavor? cherrryyy or grape. YES!

85.Favorite pick up line? is your dad osama binladen? CUZ BABY YOU DA BOMB! hahaha raw as fuck

86.Who was the third gunman on the grassy knoll? your lucky im bored. STOP ASKING STUPID FUCKING QUESTIONS.

87.What did you like to make beleive as a child? that i would someday grow up to be a beautiful princess. (i seriously did, no joke)

88.Did you have an imaginary friend? i still do....

89.Would you like to live in a castle or a mansion? mansion

90.Re-arrange the letters in your first,middle,and last name of a description of yourself. yeah right im way to lazy

91.Do it fast or do it right? things should always be done right, not fast, cuz if they're done fast, even if its not a big deal, it could end up being the biggest mistake you've ever made. so ALWAYS TRY TO DO SHIT RIGHT.

92.What was the last book you read? um, julius caesar.

93.Have you ever had surgery? If so,where? never

94.Random fact about you: im a natural blonde.

95.What is the first thing you wash in the shower? my hair

96.What is your favorite cereal? fruit loops

97.If you could learn any foreign language what would it be? german, it sounds way cool

98.If you had the choice to live forever,would you? only if i had a raw as life. if it sucked id just wanna die and get it over with.

99.If you had a choice to be the opposite sex for a day,would you? duh, i always wished i was born a guy. i wanna know what its like to get a boner and shoot out sperm.


100.Fate...yeah, if your life is destined to suck then it will, if not then your lucky.
101.Ghosts...of course.
103.Big foot..haha yeah
104.Soul mates...i already met mine.
105.Aliens? fuck yeah!!
106.Angels? i saw one when i was little, and really really sick
107.Loch ness monster? sure
108.Heaven and Hell...ive been to hell and back
109.The Zodiac...FUCK YEAH HOROSCOPES ARE CRAZZYYYY best friend is a vampire. jessica mash
111.Karma...what goes around comes around
112.Love at first sight? fuck yeah.

113.If you had any super power,what would it be? mind reading or telekaneses(sp?)

114.Would you use your power for good or bad? both
115.Name something nostalgic: ..what?

116.What are your turn ons in the opposite sex? oh god, great sense of humor, able to joke around, beautiful eyes, and an adorable smile that just makes you wanna smile nonstop when you see them.

117.What are your turn offs in the oppposite sex? um, when they're fucking assholes and talk alot of shit about you.

118.What was the best compliment ever given to you? "you have no idea how much it means to me when i see you smiling"

119.Which character do you relate to the most on the t.v. show "Scooby-Doo"? probablly velma

120.What is the worst trend of the present time? deffinaley those ugly ass boots that you tuck your pants into. THERE SO UGLY

121.Beer or Wine? WINE

122.You cant sleep.What do you do? hug my body pillow extra tight and imagine it was a person.

123.Do you wear jewlery & makeup? usually makeup unless im feeling extra lazy and sometimes jewlery

124.What is your favorite smell? the smell of rain

125.What is the best decade of the past century? um, i donno

126.What is your favorite month of the year? july july july. i love 4th of july. i love fireworks.

127.Do you smoke? yeah.

128.Do you drink? alcoholic baby

129.What was your favorite subject in skool? lunch. english

130.What was your least favorite subject in skool? math

131.If you had to give up one of your senses which one would you give up? smell.

132.Do you follow your head,heart,or crotch? heart

133.Do you truely know who you are? i still got a long ways to go

134.Are you superstitious? yep

135.Are you sentimental? extremely

136.How many times a day do you eat? once or twice

137.Are you more of a main idea or detail type of person? detail

138.Whats your favorite kind of pie? chocolate

139.Have you ever been close to death? mono dude.

140.Do you like roller costers? i love thrills.

141.Apples or Oranges? apples

142.Are you hyperactive? usually when im drunk i get really crazy and bouncy and just wanna yell and have fun.

143.Do you talk in your sleep? nah

144.What is your favorite holiday? new years eve

145.Do you go to church? on holidays

146.At what age do you think you will probably be married? when i feel like its right

147.If you could open your own buisness what would it be? something that brings in alot of cash flow

148.What was the name of your first boyfriend/girlfriend? first REAL boyfriend, like the one i actually did stuff with.. that would be bryan.

149.What is your weakness? agh, being a control freak, caring too much and being a drama queen

150.What was the last movie you saw that made you cry? um, titanic.

151.If love were a flavor which flavor would it be? chocolate, cuz love can be sweet, but too much can make you sick.

152.If hate were a flavor which flavor would it be? strawberry cuz strawberry fucking sucks.

153.Have you ever been prescribed drugs? yeah

154.Is lying sometimes nesssary? duh, somethings are better left unsaid.

155.Bubbleyum or Bubblicious? bubblicious tastes better.

156.What is your favorite curse word? FUCK

157.Do you have any birthmarks? yeah, on the back of my leg. it looks like texas, hah

158.If you could visit anywhere in the U.S.A. where would it be? prolly cali, me and jess are road tripping there when were 18. well, i'll be 17 but she'll be 18.

159.If you could visit anywhere in the world where would it be? AUSTRAILIA

160.Do you feel like your physical self matches your personality? sure

161.What was the name of your kindergarten teacher? mrs. selema? i think.

162.Do you wear glasses or contacts? neither

163.How tall are you? 5'6

164.How tall would you like to be? i like my height

165.Your current mood? i donno

166.Do you dress up for Halloween? fuck yeah.

167. Have you ever been in a car accident? nah

168.What is your favorite lucky charm? red balloons

169.What color underwear are you wearing right now? red and white

170.Have you ever been in love? i dont really know

171.What is your favorite kids movie? beauty and the beast

172.Have you ever hallucinated? nah

173.What do you like most about the opposite sex? when he makes me laugh alot and gives me that super good feeling

174.What do you hate most about the opposite sex? basically when thinks hes gotta be mister big shot pimp daddy and cant fucking do 1 little thing you tell him too.

175.Have you ever been on a blind date? nah

176.Would you like to be cloned? hell yeah i wish i had a clone....

177.Have you ever peed in public? i do it all the time, usually when im drunk. you gotta go you gotta go.

178.Are you an optimist or a pessimist? both

179.How did you find out that there was no Santa Claus? haha my mom told me when i was 10.

180.Pancakes or waffles? pancakes

181.Why is the grass always greener on the other side? because life just goes like that bitches

182.Are you on a diet? i wish

183.Do you always want what you cant have? always always always

184.Do you act stupid around someone you have a crush on? only at first.

185.Have you ever been arrested? no im a fucking good kid

186.Can you cook? i love to bake. not cook, BAKE.

187.Do you think its wrong or weird if a girl asks a guy out? not at all, if a guy can do it why cant a girl?

188.Do you have any allergies? no

189.Ketchup or Catsup? who fucking cares. *coughketchupcough*

190.Do you beleive that there is a meaning to life? theres a reason for everything dude

191.What do you think about before you fall asleep? that's my business

192.What are your thoughts on the nature of good and evil? good always defeats evil

193.Step into your cave. There you will find your power animal. What animal is it? a lion

194.What does your power animal say to you? your so fucking cool

195.Spongebob or Patrick? patrick is way cooler cuz hes stupid

196.Red or Blue? blue

197.Typing or Writing with your hand? typing is faster

198.Do you drink coffee? sometimes

199.Mommy or Daddy? depends which one gives me money.

Have you ever:

200. Kissed your cousin: like when were greeting eachother and saying goodbye like normal families you fucking sicko

201. Ran away: um, kind of

202. Broken someone's heart: yeah

203. Been in love: dono

204. Cried when someone died: no one in my life has ever died.

205. Wanted someone you knew you
couldn't have: duh

206. Broken a bone: like a million

207. Lied: yeah i always lie to my mom

208. Skipped School: thats what i got suspended for.


209. Coke or Pepsi: diet doke

210. Sprite or 7UP: they taste them you fucking weirdos

211. Girls or Guys: guys I FUCKING HATE GIRLS or candy: flowers make me feel special

213. Scruff or Clean shaved: clean shave

214. Quiet or Loud: i like loud music

215. Blondes or Brunettes: blondes have more fun bitch

216. cutie or pretty: pretty

217. Tall or Short: not to tall but not to short.

218. Pants or Shorts: pants


219. What do you notice first: eyes and smile

220. Last person you slow danced with: aww bryan.. at h/c bitch with my lime green dress. bryan looked so cute

226. Worst Question To Ask: "can i ask you a question?"


227. Showered: last night before i got really drunk followed by a hangover which led me to being too lazy to cleanse today.

WHAT IS (your favorite):

228. Your Good Luck Charm: i have the worst luck.

229. Person You Hate Most: yeahhhh probablly scap.

230. Best Thing That Has Happened: um, me and ileen made up i guess.

231. Color: bright green

232. Movie: mean girls, old school, shrek 1 and 2, a cinderella story. haha im a loser

233. Subject in school: you already asked this. i said lunch

234. Juice: anything but oj. i HATE oj

235. Cars: porsche

236. Ice Cream: ice cream sandwhich flavored.

237. Season: summer

238. Breakfast Food: pancakes

239. Song: anything by david bowie

240. Favorite food: anything chocolate:)

241. Makes you laugh the Most: jessica, eric, chike, but most of all used to be bryan.

242. Makes you smile:
243. Can make you feel better no matter what: it was always bryan... FUCK YOU ALL

244. Has A Crush On you: how am i supposed to know

245. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: its no crush bitch

246. Who Has it easier? deffinatley boys, no periods, no birth giving, no pregnancy. whats there not to like?

247. Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: fuck you dude


248. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: used to do it all the time

249. Save AIM conversations: used to

250. Save Emails: yeah

251. Wish you were someone else: not really

252. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: you already asked me that question too..


253.Hairstyle: teased

254. Cologne: haha that abercrombie shit me jess and megan were obsessed with at the mall

255. Perfume: very sexy for her from the sexy girl store, warm vanilla sugar from b&b works


256. Fallen for your best guy friend?: actually yes i have, one time

257. Been in love? dude you seriously asked me that 3 times already. I DONT KNOW

258. Been in lust?: yeah

259. Used someone?: nah

260. Cheated on someone?: once but i dont think it really count cuz it was like an hour before we broke up anyway and it was in 7th grade.

261. Done something you regret?: omg dont get me started.


262. Talked to? my mom

263. You hugged? umm my grandma

264. You instant messaged?: i imed bryan this morning to apologize, havent talked to anyone since cuz im a loser

265. You yelled at? i was continuously yelling at someone last night


266. Have tattoos? as soon as i turn 16 bitch

267. Have piercings? 2

268. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? unfortunatley no

269. Own a webcam? yeah

270. Own a thong? millions

271. Ever get off on the computer? no but i've looked at porn

Have you/do you/are you...

272. Stolen anything? i have

273. Smoke? yeah i do

274. Schizophrenic? no

275. Obsessive? when things are dirty i have to clean them

276. Panic? yeah i have

277. Confused bout who u love? no, ive been confused on who i LIKED you drink :: duh you sm0ke :: yeah

280.shy 0r 0utg0ing :: both, more outgoing though

281.feature n0ticed first :: eyes and smile

282.l0okz 0r pers0nality :: personality

283.tan 0r fair :: fair

284.fav0rite subject :: lunch and english

285.fav0rite b0ard game :: life

286.d0 y0o like t0 talk 0n tha ph0ne :: sure

287.where w0uld y0o like t0 travel :: anywhere i guess y0or hair y0or natural c0l0r :: not anymore

289.d0 y0o c0nsider y0orself a nice pers0n :: when im sober

290.are y0o stressed 0ut :: most of the time guy friend :: as of now, eric and chike gurl friend :: jessica and ileen

293.shyest friend :: erica, or amy

294.wh0 kn0wz m0st 0f y0or secretz :: jess and ileen

295.sh0rt 0r l0ng hair :: i have medium. 0r night :: night

297.have y0o d0ne weed :: how do you DO weed? i've SMOKED weed, but no i have not had sex with marijuana.

298.have y0o p0sed f0r nude picz :: ....

299.have y0o c0nsidered being a h0oker :: yeah and gets aids and die, thats deffinatley how i wanna live my life

300.have y0o c0nsidered being a pimp :: hello? i already am

301.have y0o cheated 0n s0me0ne :: you already asked that question too

302.aRe y0o smart :: when i wanna be

303.d0 y0o have bangz :: yeah bitch

304.d0 y0o like c0tt0n candy :: i love it

305.aRe y0o ticklish :: very

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