Feb 20, 2010 06:01
- 01:29 Australians are the most entertaining people to meet up with while playing online shooters. By far. And especially in groups. #
- 02:37 Well, now that I've reached my Batshit Insanity quota for the week, time to click off LGF and Olbermann Watch and head to bed. #
- 10:34 RT @andylevy DO YOU BELIEVE IN MIRACLES??? US WINS! US WINS! US WINS!! #curling #
- 10:47 CPAC boos homophobic tool from CA Young Americans for Freedom: www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFNezndrSII #
- 16:01 @ EmpressNan Heh. If it makes you feel any better, my very first glasses had bi-focals... when I was like five or six years old. #
- 16:01 @ EmpressNan And I only just stopped wearing them a few years ago. :P #
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