I apologize for taking so long to get the final challenge up. Here it is, though! Best of luck to our finalists.
You are eligible to enter if your username is listed
+ You may change your entry as many times as you'd like, just delete edit! the previous comment.
+ Textures, brushes, stock, etc. is allowed.
+ Animation is allowed.
+ Icon must fit LJ standards (<= 40kb; <=100x100px; .jpg, .png, .gif)
+ Icon may not be posted anywhere (including userpics) until AFTER results have been posted.
+ Please post your icon in the format given in the userinfo (img src & url)
Part One: Working-with-other-people.
Yeah. I fail at naming. *facepalm*
The idea behind this challenge is that there may be people between/with Harry and Hermione and you have to work around them (be it by maniping them out of the cap, cropping creatively, etc.)
Icon MUST be Harry/Hermione-centric.
You MUST use the following cap(s):
Part Two: Promotional Banner
Exactly what it says. Make a banner no larger than 400x400 px.
You can use any pics you'd like as long as the banner is Harry/Hermione-centric.
Banner MUST have some derivation of hhr_lims clearly visible written on it.
If you've got any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Deadline for submissions is March 14th at 9PM
PST Entered: 00/03