R2D2 Mailboxes. F'real.
And in other news, went to see 300 @ midnight. It was spectacularly bloody. Plot wise, I found it a little flat. I mean, come on, it's history. The Battle of Thermopylae is probably one of the best known military battles ever exceeded only, perhaps, by the Rebel attack on the first Death Star (doh, two Star War's references in one LJ entry? I am really nerding out today). You know from the get go that the Spartans are all going to die. So especially combined with the lack of subtlety and complexity character wise, the director's attempt at adding intrigue and suspense to the narrative did very little, for me at least. Still, critique aside, I don't this negates its aesthetic appeal. The CGI animation for the monsters are probably the best I've seen since LOTR. And the cinematography, similar to Sin City, retain the visceral and lush feel of Frank Miller's original graphic novel, while creating its own distinctive impression as a film. The Anglo looking Spartans threw me off a little, but that's a topic for another day. All in all, thumbs up.