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May 21, 2006 22:10

I have a new life now. Sucks, but im living
I have already said I am sorry, and I can't live the rest of my life sorry. As much as I would still say im sorry, it doesnt really mean that much anymore. Theres no point, it doesnt get you anywhere.
I can't live in regret. And although I do regret, I've learned a few heavy lessons. Its been a kick in the ass but I have realized who my real friends are they are the ones that im holding onto.
Good friends come and go.You could feel like you have the best friend in the world and they just shit all over you.But I've learned a thing or two about loyalty.
Boyfriends come and go.Every guy that is semi decent and tells you he loves you may not be your future husband.
Punctuality is important.People don't like it when you waste their time, and they won't waste it on you if you do.
Your family is your backbone.Trust them, they are usually right.
Don't ever make people feel like they are second best, if they belong first, put them there.
Actions speak MUCH louder than words, words are nice, but if your actions contradict them, people don't give a shit.
Money is'nt everything.It helps, but it's not going to fill any voids.
It's okay not to know.It's okay to be confused.
God is there, and we don't have to agree he's there for him to be there.
Forgiveness is real, and it makes your heart so much fuller when you practice it.
Scars are stories told and lessons learned.
There are few people that actually care about you, the rest will use you to benefit themselves, and that sucks.
Life is the great mystery, and I am not the great detective.I have no clue where I am going, what I am doing, or who I am doing it with. But I am going to start trying to live it more fullfilled.

-SFJ- I loved it.. and it makes me feel what your feeling.

Im stuck here, always looking at what was, and not what could be. I dont what could be and that scares me to know that things are different now and i dont know how to handle them but im starting to. Im starting to cope with things here and there, friendships come and go and i could be the best person out there to tell you that. You get a taste of everyone, and find the real true ones out there. It sucks to say that shits cashed and things are done and over with. but im living now, so i must be dealing with it, blindfolded in reality, and stating to really see it all from a whole new perspective. I really miss when everyone got along and everything was just fine and dandy. Summer is love. Anyone would agree on that. I loved it. Last summer was the best of all summers. Not just because I had boyfriend, best friend, and the friends of a life time, but because there was never a care in the world. Absolutly no DRAMA. It was free. All of this shit that has happened in the past 5 months was ridiculous, and thats what scares me. Summer is in 2 weeks, and that really scares me. I hope its like last summer. I know it wont be mirror images of it, but im hoping for something close to it. It's some peoples last summer to spend when everyone is together, and also just another summer to make it better than lasts. As night falls and the stars start to shine, i will put my two hands together and close my eyes. Hopeing and preying for something that will be wonderful. As the tempeture rises, and the BBQ'S start happening, bonfires light up your eyes, and burn your legs and toes, windows rolled down and your hair blowing the wind, shirts and pants off all dressed in the bathing suit waiting to jump in that big lake, flip flops in the water when sand gets stuck inbetween your toes, dont forget that repelent those bugs can really leave some good bites, sleepovers with your best friends sititng outside on the back porch just talking about everything and laughing till tears roll down your cheek, as much as work sucks its gotta be done to get you those cute summer cloths, new cds/mixes are too much fun when you have your girlfriends singing their lungs out, you can never get enougnh of it. Summer 2006 here I come. Im ready.
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