Title: Angels With Two Faces
Chapter: 4/??
Fandom: Arashi
Character, Pairing(s): none
Rating: R
Warnings: Violence and language
Summary: "I'm Kazu Ninomiya. I'm 26 years old, and I'm here to catch a murderer. Let me tell you about Los Angeles."
Angels With Two Faces [4] )
Comments 47
i am so loving the jun and nino chemistry. finishing each other's sentences... :)
and aiba. he is so adorable. poor overworked sho. and dr. ohno!
you two always have the gift to make us all fall in love with your characters.
i can't wait to see how the funeral goes...
thanks for another awesome chapter! <3
Thank you sooooo much for reading and supporting us! <3 <3
I am officially hooked now with this chapter. I feel like you are bringing the story together only to have it unravel in some awesome twists and turns I know you gals will put on it all later. I don't know if that made sense but it's coming from me and sense I tend not to make.
I <3 your writing! But what's with the lack of comments? I guess people really like to have the ship in order before they begin reading LOLZ.
Feel like you put in all the "awwwwww, Aiba!!!" moments for me. If not, I will choose to believe that anyhow.
Much love,
Co-owner of Aiba Masaki's birthmark
We are very glad you are now hooked with this chapter. It does appear that our lack of pairings so far has had a significant impact on the number of people reading. We choose to believe it's just because people are so overcome by the awesome that they cannot type anything coherent in response.
Of course all awww moments were put in for you. You are the light in our lives.
Love forever,
Fabby Fabulous King of Fabulosity MatsuFabmoto Jun
Poor Sho... the pressure's building and even if there's no Sakumoto here, I love that there's a solid relationship among the two and Aiba that resonates well to build my empathy towards their characters.
Seriously got to keep the post short so I don't chance inflaming my wrist again. Much love gals and looking forward to the next part! :)
Thank youuuuuu! We are glad you are enjoying the hints of Matsumiya. <3 They are a fun pair to write- all banter and passion and who knows what else might get thrown in here. xD You rock our socks off! Keep healthy~~
just had to leave u gals comments of some sort so u know i haven't abandoned your writing (as if i could even if i wanted to?) you gals just tempt me right back w ur awesome nuances and layered plotting that makes for a totally amazing read! Okie, promised myself to keep it short. Always in my thoughts u two *crazy* gals! :) :)
the nod to jaguar yokota was fabulous. i love how many je-connected celebrities you two have managed to squeeze in!
Nino and Jun take awhile to get together, honestly, what is with that? lol Nino is kind of hyper-aware all the time, but not usually of his partner- until he starts sort of realizing that he IS hyper-aware of it, and then it's like a vicious cycle hahaha <3
Thank youuuuuu we are so glad you are enjoying it! the cameos are fun! (and confusing) But mostly fun!
Jun's golfing episode reminds me of my own suckage during a school trip. And it wasn't even proper golf; it was mini golf. XD I love how Jun and Nino are starting to respect/understand each other - I always thought that their personalities matched on so many levels, so I was excited to see what you ladies made of it. Finishing each other's sentences is a bit creepy though. XD I can imagine Jun's horror face at that.
Poor poor Sho - but I do like reading about this angstier side of him. And adorable Aiba trying to prove his worth! I love how random Ohno is in this story - popping in and out of it quietly. That's the image I have of him in real life. XD
Oh noes - The mystery is building with three bodies! Hmmm...the burglary case still looks suspicious to me, but then again, I am not so good with guessing. Looking forward to the staking-out-at-the-funeral part - it'll definitely be interesting.
Golfing- either you like it or you hate it, there seems to be very little middle ground. I think Jun is definitely on the hate it side of things. xD Too bad his swing is so bad, right?
Nino and Jun- an interesting combo. Add the rest of them in, and it's an interesting LAPD station. xD
Thank youuuu for reading and being so awesome! We are glad you are enjoying it! <3 <3 We love your feedback. <3
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