fu fu fu fu fu!!!! so, I joined up on Fanart100, and have my first fanart done. Fanart 001-- beginnings. For now, I'm just sticking it in my journal for all my friends to see. I'll make a prompt table and submit it officially later. I'm far far too lazy right now. H'anyway, here it be. Beginnings.
I gots the idea whilst I was in drawing class. We were listening to Jimi Hendrix and one of my favorite songs came on: Castles made of Sand. The jist of the song, if you've never heard, is that all things must end, that all constructions crumble. And so I had this image pop into my mind of the first time old timey egyptian Yami and Seto meet. Seto's building some huts in the mud, huts that will eventually be swallowed by the river, in the same way that whatever relationship they may build will be one day destroyed by Seto's madness and lust for power.
Yami's ancient Egyptian name is Atemu, but Seto's is just.... Seto... now that bothers the hell out of me, so I gave him a really real egyptian name of my own--Umi. So, henceforth, I shall refer to the ancient egyptian version of Seto as 'Umi', though it's hardly cannon.
Also, they are naked. You don't have to tell me; I know. Children ran around naked all the time in ancient Egypt, as shown by statuary and reliefs and such. Technically, they should have the half-shaven heads with the braid down the side, but I thought that might look just a little too wierd for most fans.