Maybe it's cause I'm young, but what about life DON'T I find to be profound? I mean I run around going "ooo, what's that!? ooo, what's that?!" There are many beautiful and wonderful things in life, all of it should be enjoyed and discovered! It's probably not the answer your looking for, so this is when life really hits me with an "oh shit" factor: Cities and large conglomerates of people. Architecture built to house large quantities of busy bees. There is something about the energy of a city, young, vivacious, everyone is working toward something with the optimism that it can be achieved. Millions of people and each of them have their own story! How insane the human race has become! I always get this profound feeling of awe when I'm in the city (especially San Francisco). I dunno, maybe I'm just weird, which is usually the case! Much love J-Meister!
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