Borrowing my Aunt's truck to get to school (yes, ridiculous). They use it to pull a horsetrailer, I use it to transport the fruits of my disgustingly materialistic lifestyle.
En route to Medford, MA- the Chinatown bus being towed. Classic, minus the flames.
Rockport (Halibut State Park) with the boy (and the parents) after move-in.
Bradlee and Lauren: "We're cooking dinner! Really cooking!"
Jess: "What are you making?"
Lauren: "Pasta."
Late-night, post-run dinner. This is pretty impressive for us, usually we stick to pancakes. We even grilled, chopped, and boiled various components.
Waiting for the last T at Kendall after Medi and Martha's Boston Bar Birthday.
This is what my boyfriend looks like when I kiss him. Obviously he really loves me.
Honestly, it looks worse than it is, it was just done for effect- but check out my boots.
A hive in ecology lab.
A second attempt at making dinner (still pasta).
Stirring the pasta is almost like cooking and is therefore very involved and difficult.
Teaching Bradlee how to tell when pasta is done.
The limited things we were able to cook, delicious nonetheless.
That was almost like work. We're ordering in tonight.