wheee, splat... ohhh, nearly minami :D

Mar 09, 2005 20:14

YAY nearly minami :D

TEN Random Things About Me:

10) I like chocolate cake. A lot.
9) Im obsessive.
8) People think Im innocent and refuse to believe other people that Im not.. But I am! :P XD
7) I have a habit of drawing cute animal creatures and end up making them deep and angsty and it really annoys me when I do that XD
6) I dont have a lot of confidence, yet Im optimistic!
5) I wanna be in a band
4) I read too much into things.
3) Im naive
2) I have a rugrat duvet cover
1) I have a poster of a dragon on my bedroom wall

NINE Ways To Win My Heart:
9) Make me laugh
8) Let me have fun
7) let me babble at you about stuff that doesnt make sense
6) Make me feel safe
5) Dont take me too seriously...
4) ...Unless Im being serious
3) Sarri is right - huggles are good.
2) Just be yourself
1) accept me for who i am, not who you want me to be

EIGHT Things I want to do before I die

8) Fly in a hotair balloon around hawaii for 6 months (dont ask XD)
7) Speak another language fluently
6) Become grade 8 standard on any instrument
5) Go scuba diving with dolphins.
4) Draw a decent comic / webcomic
3) Write a decent / half decent song XD
2) Get married
1) Have kids

SEVEN ways to annoy me:

7) Whenever I say I've done something well, tell me that you've done that a thousand times better
6) Hate someone just because it would be easier to hate them rather than help them to to become better
5) Laugh at me for liking something
4) Not say something in fear of offending or hurting me. I dont get offended easily and i'd rather you tell me than bottle it up yourself
3) Patronise me
2) Call me "Good girl" (you know who you are ¬¬)
1) Do something to annoy me purposefully, thinking Im kidding when I say it annoys me, just for fun.

SIX things I believe in:

6) Love
5) Friendship
4) That all people are genuinly "good" people at heart
3) People in general. Anyone CAN achieve anything.
2) Creativity
1) Myself, sometimes.

FIVE things I'm afraid of:

5) Loosing everyone I care about
4) Being totally humiliated
3) Failing
2) Having everyone i care about think things about me that are completely false
1) Lies

FOUR favorite items in my room:

4) Bed
3) Laptop
2) Gamecube
1) errr... Pillow

THREE things I do everyday:

3) Wake up
2) Be sleepy all day
1) Go back to sleep

TWO things I want to do right now:

2) Go to Norwich now instead of tomorrow
1) DDR

ONE person I want to see right now : Does it have to be one person?? Hmmm... Dale. But Im seeing him tomorrow so that doesnt count. Errr... Sarri, 'cause I need a Sarri-chu hug. Or... I dunno XD Jack, 'cause I havent seen him for ages. Or Shiino-kun! Or... Foxy-chan... Or Bernadette 'cause Im worried about her and I havent seen her for even more ages... And I miss Bernie. So yeah, Bernie XD

Whee, tomorrow :D Minami starts for me tomorrow XDD That doesnt make sense but ah well. But Im excited about tomorrow and minami. YAY I cant wait to see so many people again :D

Im really happy today ^_^ I just really like life at moment, it makes me happy just thinking about it ^_____^

And my dads band is rehursing, so yay ^^
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