"sometimes i wonder if being nice gets me anywhere. my friends always ask me why i keep trying with people who arent worth my time, and i guess the answer is bc i feel the need to find the best in every1. i would do ANYTHING for the few friends i do have, and ive been constantly trying to convince my family to have "real" holidays like we used to (we did nothing for thanksgiving and my dad and bro went an bought/decorated the xmas tree themselves). i always thought i was a pretty desecent person but, now im not so sure. according to my sean AND my dad, i dont think about anyone but myself. idk..WHAT DO YOU THINK?, honestly?"ok honestly leanne, you are like the sweetest girl + by the statement you just made bout you trying to find the best in people then them calling u selfish is the most hypocritical statement alive. its peoples fault if they cant see what an amazing person you are. they are truly missing out. i mean ive only known you for a little while now but i think your hella awesome and shame on everyone who thinks your not a
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dood i kno how u feel bout the whole curfew thing..im 17 and almost out of highschool and i basically have the same curfew as u. funny how we have alot in common but we're soo different. tell me again y werent we friends b4?
and i am NOT a prisoner of my house. i am allowed out. its that no one ever makes plans anymore b/c they suck. i wish i got to see more of u too. wow i wish i never hated u b4 we culd have been as close as tight jeans on a fat chick =] luckily for us i yelled at u and u laughed at me. if i never did that we wuld have never been friends? or we wuld have but only later on in the year. so yea make plans w/ me douche!
dont worry bout the whole sean thing..he'll get over it.
Comments 7
u make me happy, u read my long entrys and write me letters!
and i am NOT a prisoner of my house. i am allowed out. its that no one ever makes plans anymore b/c they suck.
i wish i got to see more of u too. wow i wish i never hated u b4 we culd have been as close as tight jeans on a fat chick =]
luckily for us i yelled at u and u laughed at me. if i never did that we wuld have never been friends? or we wuld have but only later on in the year. so yea make plans w/ me douche!
dont worry bout the whole sean thing..he'll get over it.
and u ARE an amazingly wonderful girl !
Call me sometime about the party on the 27th. And we're hanging out before then too.
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