...This is going to be one hella long post. I PREDICT IT.
Contained herein:
-MY WEEKEND~ (Because I like writing about myself)
-Vague complaints on my inability to be discreet and/or poetically allude to things not allowed to be posted under Gaia's TOS
-Harry Potter
-Queer as Folk
Let's get this party started then.
So, Friday afternoon, my friend's car died and I was STRANDED at SCHOOL, which was pretty much the most terrible thing ever. OH NOES. Then I got home and had to babysit, which would have been totally fine, because the 3 yr-old and 6 yr-old were being utter angels. ("Hey, can I play on the computer while my sister watches T.V. and you don't have to do anything at all?") Until the infant woke up and she was all "LOVE ME AND PLAY WITH ME" and I was all "NO! STOP TRYING TO EAT NON-FOOD SUBSTANCES!"
So, after that I was supposed to go to Target with
naillimixam But, um... I was also supposed to be making/ironing transfers on to tool belts for my mother for her benefit thing. And the absolute worst part? ...There was a reply waiting for me.
That kept me up late, but oh well. Life goes on.
Then YESTERDAY I had dance, which was... fine. Our show is going to SUCK HARDCORE, but I'm getting over it. Then I went and hung out with
Tsuralai and we made fake cookies and went to this cute little restaurant called Rice Paper and played with her cats. (Who are totally insane, BTW.) So yay~!
Then I had to take my sister to her soccer game, (in MIDDLE OF NOWHERESVILLE), but I got Dairy Queen, so it was all okay. Then we watched Queer as Folk, which is totally addicting, but prompted one of my rants (below).
That's all for my weekend.
a) Stupid
b) Vulgar
or c) Both?~?!?!
*flails to DEATH*
...Nevermind. OMG HOTARU~! Awww...<3
"Research a specific question you have?" Are you asking me or telling me?
First off, my entire generation has been defined by Harry Potter. Nearly all of my memories from like... the third grade all the way through high school can somehow be connected to Harry Potter. We are the Harry Potter generation, and now that the seventh book is coming out, I'm starting to find that a little sad.
...But, like the gigantic loser I am, I'm going to post a few thoughts on book seven and the HP-verse in general.
1)OMG HARRY IS A HORCRUX AND HE'S GOING TO DIE. Also, he and Voldie are going to fall beyond the Veil and FIND SIRIUS. (And possibly Dumbledore, but no one cares about him.) Because, you know, Dumbly said that whole "The ones you love never truly leave you," and everyone ELSE who is dead has made some sort of reappearance (A la the shiny sparkly wand-y web of DOOM in book four. So it's only fair that Sirius comes back.)Except Quirrel, but no one remembers him. TT_TT
2) Tonks/Remus = DO NOT WANT. There had better be NONE OF THAT in book 7 or I will cry.
3) I really, really, really want Harry/Draco in the seventh book. Not because I support H/D, but it's just the most implausible thing ever, and yet SO MANY PEOPLE SHIP IT. I just think it would be the funniest thing ever. Like a big "fuck you" to the world. XD
4) ...more slashy SB/RL MWPP flashbacks, Ms. Rowling, plzkthx.
Quick synop for those of you who actually managed to get this far, but don't watch QaF:
It's a show about... five gay men in Pittsburg, PA (um... since when did Pittsburg become a hub of gay subculture?) with occasional other characters who make appearances. A few stay for quite a long time, but those five are the "main" characters. (There are two lesbians too, but I don't count them very often. They're not as interesting.)
They are:
Brian: Pretty much an asshole. He is also the biggest manwhore in the existence of manwhores. He's not that attractive, he's not nice, and yet EVERYONE LOVES HIM. Except, you know, people who don't want to sleep with him.
Michael: Oh Michael, how can I describe my love for you? He's this cute little comic-book nerd who's totally insecure and has a complete Brian Complex. But he's ADORABLE. *pokes him*
Justin: Let me say this flat-out; Justin is a brat. He's whiny, his characterization sucks and he's just irritating. And yet, he can be kind of endearing too. He's really young (17 at the start of the show to everyone else's nearly-30.) so you can sort of forgive him his quirks occasionally. Occasionally you want to cuddle him. Occasionally, you want to beat him over the head.
Emmet: The most flaming gay queer ever. Campy, kitschy, EVERYTHING. But... but... OMG ADORABLE.
Ted: Ick. He's not pretty, he's old and he's not funny. DO NOT WANT.
The lesbians will be referred to as "the lesbians" for most of this (if they get referred to at all), because they don't do a whole lot, aren't usually as interesting, and tend to do things in a unit. But for the record, the are Melanie (the butch lawyer who is quite attractive, and is actually quite interesting) and Lindsey (the whiny one no one likes. >P).
So first of: @_@ Pairing angst. Everyone in this show is a slut, but you can't help but get attracted to certain cute little pairings. Like Michael/Brian. But not because of Brian. Brian is a jerk who no one likes. But freakin' a, they are SO ADORABLE together.
And seriously, they're the only pairing that would actually last. Because Michael would do anything for Brian, and Brian cannot live without Michael. So it probably wouldn't be a healthy relationship, like, at all but... but thirty years down the road, they would still be together.
But also... by season three, once Justin's matured a little, Michael/Justin is cute too. Because they're both such little nerds. Aww. *poke*
I could go on forever, but I haven't really watched that much, so I'm not going to rant to much. There are some pretty shiny QaF manifestos over at
ship_manifesto if you're curious.
Though there is one pairing I hate. HATE. Ted and Emmet decide that they're best friends, so they should be a couple and it's GROSS. Ted is so boring, and Emmet is so cute, and it's like... "DO NOT WANT" x100. ICK ICK ICK.
One thing that does get on my nerves about the whole show is that it's all about sex, all the time. They have these great plotlines and intriguing characters, but they hide them under all this "OMG, LOOK, SHIRTLESS GUYS DANCING IN A CLUB!" It just irks me, I suppose. I suppose the amount of sex in the show is similar to may a soap opera, but for me, it's bothersome.
Because they touch on all these real-life gay issues (AIDS, adopting/having children, gay bashing, homophobia, etc.) and they're actually very sensitive about these things. There are real MESSAGES hidden in there. Deep, meaningful ones. But then they bury them under all this needless nudity. Like, Melanie and Lindsey have a child, which is OMG taboo because they're two females who are in love with each other. There's a lot of drama surrounding this, especially when the kid gets sick and Melanie can't go into the ER with him because she's not a relative and she hasn't adopted him, because she can't. Yet she's clearly the Lindsey's partner, and if she'd been a man, there's a good chance the hospital would have let her in anyway. That's a real-life-issue that makes you think about the effects of institutionalized homophobia. But that is completely ruined when, two scenes later, you see Brian getting a BJ in the back room of the club they all go to, Babylon.
The two events are completely unrelated, but the overall nymphomania of the show really gets frustrating at times. Because it makes me feel like I'm watching a cheap, floozy soap, when really, there truly is substance to the show.
Still, the show is addicting as all hell, and despite some of it's frustrations, I love it to pieces. *wanders off to watch more*
Also, someone on my flist uploaded this already, but I'm addicted, so I thought I'd share again. It's rea~lly good.
Into the Ocean