Today has been... an interesting day. There are about a billion other things I should be doing, but I DON'T CARE. :P
Okay, I'm really, really sorry that I'm not on Gaia. But that's really the only thing I feel guilty about.
So, math was math. We went outside, which made me feel like I actually had to work. Then I went to the library and played Pokemon for an hour until all the new students showed up for orientation. I got to hang out with all the new lit kids, and they are 1000x better than the new dance kids. *shrugs* Go figure.
Then we went to dance and did a brief show for the new kids. Then this one other girl and I had to go leave for a Tech rehearsal over at the U of M. Mary, my dance teacher, got *very* upset with us, which is TOTAL BULLSHIT, because about five kids were missing already, and she's let nearly everyone else in that class leave early for one reason or another. Some were legitimate (e.g. funeral) and some were just lame. Like, "Oh, well, I'm sleeping over at a friends house, and we wanted to leave early." So WHATEVER, MARY HARDING. >O I get that she's extra stressed, because her kid is sick and we have a show next week, but I don't need her giving me crap when she didn't even need me there anyway.
Then tech. Oh tech.
There are 2 other dancers in my piece. It is a trio. I had to tech it first. (Why? Tech started at 4 and my school doesn't even get out until 4:15, and is IN A DIFFERENT CITY. How was I expected to get there at four??) But then, wonder of wonders, one of my dancers didn't even SHOW UP. So I had to tech a piece minus a cast member, which means that all of my spacing was totally USELESS, because it's all going to change when Risa shows up. (IF she shows up. She's been a total flake recently. She missed our last small rehearsal, then asked me to come early right before one of our dress rehearsal, because she doesn't know any of the movement. So I went early, and then she came late. >O> *is very frustrated with life*) So that was pointless. But I didn't have to stay until 8. Just 7. Yay?
Oh, and when I did the splits, I totally messed up my foot. Well, I'd gotten a floor burn a few days ago, and then this ripped it open, but there wasn't time for me to sit around and complain about it. I didn't even get to put a bandaid on it. Here's a picture~
That white stuff is dead skin that won't come off. And it HURTS. >O>
These are all today-injuries. I fear for the state of my body by the time these stupid shows are over.
Here, have some music:
My Medea- Vienna Tang The Lion- Rebecca St. James <3
Life sucks. *goes to distract herself with un-sucky stuff.