(no subject)

Nov 24, 2009 20:44

Mun Information

Nickname: Aki
Main LJ Account: jaki_ryuujin
AIM: GinryuKnight
Other Messenger Info (list below in bullet form):
  • MSN: akkiko_tenshi[at]hotmail.com
  • YIM: Acilyone
Other Characters: First Gen Cloud.


Basic Character Info

Character's LJ Username: looking at it
Name: Adrian Vanni.
Age: Twelve
Gender: Female
Nationality: Half Italian, half German.
Mafia Family: Vongola
Main Flame Attribute: Mist
Secondary Flame Attribute/s: N/A
Weapon of Choice: Illusions.
Secondary Weapon: In training to use piano strings.
Special Abilities: Adrian can create high quality illusions and is something of a prodigy at the art even at such a young age. However, she tires very easily and cannot handle close range combat whatsoever.
Appearance: With shortly cropped golden hair and beautiful blue eyes, she's a classic German beauty save for the fact that her skin seems to hold a permanent tan. Short, slender and not very curvy, she's a huge tomboy and often mistaken for a young boy instead of a girl. Whether this is intentional or by accident remains to be seen. She wears the flower tattoo of one of Daniella's guardians on the back of her neck.
Clothing: Often can be seen wearing loose black shorts with red stripes on the sides and a matching long sleeve top. This outfit is often a little too big for her to allow for easy movement. Overtop she wears a long burgundy colored coat that has white stripes instead of red and a high collar. This outfit is finished off with white socks and black sneakers.


In-Depth Character Info

Personality: Adrian is a liar, through and through. She can give you the most adorable smile imaginable only to stab you in the back as soon as you look away. Though everything she does is for the good of the family, her visions of "good" and "morally correct" are horribly misaligned. She's violent, doesn't value life and isn't afraid to get hurt or brush death to get what she wants. Defensive, childish and angry everything inside of her is clear as it reflects every action she takes.

Though she can act as cocky and mean as anyone else, when she speaks, she speaks to hurt. The only exception to this rule is Daniella who is also the only person that can control her. If your brush with her is brief, she's as pleasant as an angel. Keep talking to her and you'll see clearly enough that she's an angry demon trapped in an angel's skin just waiting for you to drop your guard.

History: Born in Italy between an Italian man and a German woman, Adrian was the third child between the couple and a personal disappointment for her mother who valued sons over daughters. That would not have been so bad if her brothers hadn't picked up on the icy vibes from their mother and reacted accordingly, teasing Adrian endlessly for being female. It got to the point that her father, who tried to dote on her as his only daughter found her in the fields one day cutting off her long hair until it was ruthlessly short and crying silently.

Hating anything feminine and coming to see her own body as a betrayal, Adrian chose from that point on to live as much like a boy as she possibly could. She wore boys clothes, played their games (until they learned what she really was) and was as rough and tumble as any other male her age. Fearing that his daughter was falling into a further state of self destruction, her father sent her to another town to live with some of his relatives who, unknowingly, were tied to the Vongola family. She was only eight at the time. Though her relatives tried to keep her out of the mafia's happenings, she inevitably came into contact with Daniella's family. At first, hurt and full of so much pain inside, she was rebellious and fought back against the family's attempts to heal her until she came into contact with Daniella herself. A week later, Adrian refused to leave Daniella's side, just another charmed by the Boss's charisma. She's remained faithful since then and continues to accept herself a little more every year. She officially became Daniella's Mist Guardian after the original guardian, her aunt whom she had come to stay with, was killed in battle.

Canon Point: Still working on fighting properly with the piano wires.


LJ-Style Sample: I hate dresses. Dresses, perfume, lipstick, face powder, eyeliner, foundation, manicures- EVERYTHING. I don't need to be a girl, I don't need to be pretty, I only need to be good at fighting!

[She pauses to catch her breath, she's pretty gaspy right now.]

... BOSS. MAKE THEM STOP CHASING ME. [She's got the whiny voice now, almost begging.]

Third Person Sample:

Her fingers were bleeding.

Her fingers were bleeding badly and still she kept going. Ignoring the plip plip plip of crimson drops splattering against the ground, she launched herself into the air once more and twisted her body, sending wires flying out all around her. As the silver, nearly invisible strings lashed out and curled around her targets, she heard the crack of one target being hit, then two, three, four... she crashed into the ground with an improper landing and lay there for a moment, partially dazed.

As soon as her head cleared, she sat up and cursed as loud and hard as any mafioso. What was she doing wrong!? Looking up with frustrated blue eyes, she checked the targets and wanted to kill something. Four of the six were crushed as expected, the last two stood in their differing spots mockingly. As she sat there, glaring back at them as if she could crush them with her very mind, she winced when her fingers throbbed again and brought a hand up to inspect it. You could hardly see the skin anymore without some smear of red covering it. Yet regardless of the injuries, she got to her feet again and began to rewind the strings around the rings on her fingers before setting up the targets once more.

There was no victory without some sacrifice.