Firstly, to all Executive/Employers: I would like to state my unhappiness with the way you run your businesses. We, as your employees, do not appreciate having to work on national holidays just so you can make an extra few thousand dollars. We would like to be able to spend time with our families and not have to work five hour shifts while you sit on your fat asses and laugh at those under you who are working far too hard to keep your companies alive. Even with time and a half and holiday pay, it just isn't worth it to take time from our families just so you can make more money.
Secondly, to all Employees: Please, be considerate to the others you work with. Put your things away. Don't leave a mess. Do your job in a timely fashion. I know it's hard to keep on task, especially when you're working with friends, but keep in mind, there are others there who have to pick up your slack because you are too busy talking and dinking around. Do your job because the other people you work with will resent you more and more if they end up working on your projects too.
Thirdly, to all Consumers: The holidays are upon us and it's crunch time. I just have a few reminders for you as you shop this holiday season. First, be considerate to the employees at the stores you shop at. It is never the employee's fault if something is not in stock. We have no control over the spending habits of others. If you are kind, a person is far more willing to help you and make your shopping experience a good one.
Second, employees are people too. We all have our bad days. If you have a bad shopping experience, most of us are sorry for how things went down. Please, keep in mind that one person can only do so much. We do not mean to brush you off if you have a question. Generally, we are working on something else for another customer when a question is asked. We employees will try our hardest to get to your question as quickly as possible.
Third, have patience. The employees in your store of choice are working over time this holiday season to keep things running as smoothly as possible. If there are lines, wait patiently and be kind to the employee ringing up your purchase. It will make your experience and their job much easier. If something is out of stock, ask for a raincheck. If the store you shop at does not offer rainchecks, then move on and find something else. Please, please, please, do not throw a fit if the sale you came into town for is no longer going. Look at the fliers you get in your paper closely. There is always a date listed telling you when a sale starts and ends. Be timely with your purchases and you will be happy.
Remember, the more patient and kind you are, the easier and more fulfilling your shopping experience will be.