Jul 09, 2003 02:31
I realized -
my depression isn't brought on by me THINKING too much, it's brought on by me FEELING too much. say word.
Jul 09, 2003 02:29
I need to be in bed staying up
is so retarded
I suck
at going to sleep
Jul 07, 2003 05:17
okay I'm not deleting I'm a fag fuck you shut up.
Jul 05, 2003 16:05
I dressed up in the spot the dog costume this morning at work at hugged kids, it mostly made me really depressed. I'm gonna go hit some nyquil and sleep the day away, since I need sleep and my original plans went all defunctified.
Im still deleting my journal when I find the god damn button
or someone could be kind enough to tell me the