(no subject)

Nov 24, 2006 07:51

[The Journal Of Hermione Jean Granger]

24 November

This isn't the first ward that I've built. Who knew I would get to be so proficient in this kind of spell work? Alright. I suppose there are a few people who would say this. But it took a long time. And my first one? Oh I remember it falling to pieces after an hour.

Now I seem to be able to do them in my sleep.

It's like building a house of cards. One missing piece and it will never stand on its own. Too many? It will crush in on itself.

Ever since Susan was brought back, I've been checking every single ward on the house. Four times over. And then after that I decided to add just one more. I knew where they all had gone, of course. Michael made sure that I knew so in case anything had happened... well he just made sure that I knew. I'm more than grateful that our friendship has survived through everything. And I knew they would be successful. Michael was more than determined and Terry... well it absolutely had to succeed or he would have done something that he would have regretted.

But pregnant! What were they

There's this new situation now. Come March, according to Susan, there's going to be a baby born in this house. Into this world. And I can't help but pity the poor thing. Oh I'll never let on and they do look happy about it, but why? Knowing what the world is like here in England, knowing that by living here you are a wanted criminal, knowing that at any moment life could come crashing down upon us and kill us all, knowing that... why would you choose to bring a child into the midst of it?

I couldn't possibly say this to Ron. Molly brought all seven of her children into a world just like that.

I don't understand it. Maybe I never will. Perhaps children are not in my future. Perhaps I'm too scared to want to risk it. Perhaps this means that Terry and Susan are far braver than I could ever be.

It's all muddled up.

So I suppose I will just keep checking and strengthening and building up this card house of wards. That child hasn't done anything to anyone yet and there's no other choice but to protect it.

hermione's journal

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