Originally posted May 14, 2004.
Author’s Note: For Liss, whom I simply adore, because she is feeling down and I want to make her smile.
Absolutely Complete
Harry loves Hermione.
It took him a while to admit it to himself, but it is true. He loves her. He loves the way she color-codes their schedules and the way she owls him twice daily to remind him of their commitments for the evening. He loves the way she is always willing to instantly drop what she’s doing to help him out, and the way she rolls her eyes at him when he’s being silly.
Harry also loves the way she keeps him on-track - the subtle glances she makes at her watch to remind him that he’d better get moving or they’re going to be late. He loves the way she always pauses before they enter a room to straighten his collar or fix his tie. He loves the way her fingertips brush the nape of his neck as she tries unsuccessfully to get his hair to lay down flat.
He loves the way she holds him close, the way she knows without words that he needs it, and the way she whispers “I love you” when he’s feeling down.
He loves the way she knows him and the way she accepts his faults as a minor part of him that’s easily overlooked.
He loves the way she pretends not to like Quidditch but cheers loudly from the stands anyway. He loves the way she yells at him for his reckless playing and always ends the tirade with a kiss.
Harry had always been worried that something would happen to her, that someone would take her away like they’d done to so many others that he’d cared about. He’d always been scared to admit his feelings for her in fear that his love would make her an instant target. It had been Hermione who’d taken him by the shoulders and shaken him gently, reminding him that she already was, and that it didn’t matter.
Harry knew without a doubt that Hermione was his other half, that she completed him like no other could.
Harry loved Hermione, and the only thing better than knowing that was the knowledge that *she* loved him back.