The New H.S. Soap Summary!!

Aug 16, 2007 13:24

So sorry for the delay! Summer is hectic. *grin* But without further ado...

(Starting week #8)

Previously on H.S. Soap…

Well it is now a full two weeks since the guys left and things are not as peachy keen as they could be.

Azula is finding the simple life a bit less enjoyable now that the reason for her rebellion is gone. That may explain her new habit of complaining to Zuko somewhat. If only she knew that Haru is reading every line…

While Haru loves being able to keep tabs on Azula, it does create a bit of a quandary; how can he help her with problems that he isn’t supposed to know about? Go behind her back of course! He decides to ask Iroh to give her some time off, but sometimes even manipulative geniuses make plans that backfire, as he will soon find out.

Implementing a plan that came to him while she complained, Zuko has asked Uncle to deliver a special surprise for his darling sister,  a brand new car.  Of course outdoing Haru has nothing to do with it… nothing at all…

After a chemical explosion cancelled classes at the campus, Azula was coerced into a day at the beach by Suki and Teo. Along with a shanghaied Toph they spent the day relaxing until Ozai showed up to spoil the fun. Thankfully, Azula managed to stall him long enough so that Suki could rush Toph back to the hotel where Ozai has her and her mother ensconced.

Now if only Azula had thought to check the messages her frantic husband kept leaving on her turned off cell phone.

Haru does manage to finally get in touch with his missing wife but the reunion is anything but sweet. Between his anger at her forgetting about him, her anger at him for making her decisions for her and trying to get her time off work, AND her confession of kissing Zuko at the farewell party this is one IM that he would rather forget. The keyboard sniffer he has carefully installed on her computer gives him access to everything she does, but it only manages to complicate matters for this conversation. He sees that she is simultaneously IMing Zuko and can read every word of it. Even though she spends the time trying to find a way to convince her brother that it would be best if they didn’t see each other, Haru is NOT HAPPY. What he will do to get rid of this menace to his relationship with Azula is anyone’s guess.

Meanwhile, Ozai, in a move right out of some trashy romance novel, proposed to a “surprisingly” pregnant Ziva at a well-orchestrated press conference. Not everything went smoothly though as he received some not so happy news. He has a new son-in-law.

Zuko discovered the news he had no desire to tell his father is no longer a secret when Ozai called him irate and disappointed in his apparent failure to keep Azula and Haru apart. He did manage to mollify his father by telling him about the band’s success and even agreed to attend the wedding. I wonder what his sister will think of that…?

Azula did make an attempt to talk to her father about his plans to drop her mother in favor of what she considers the flavor of the week, but to no avail. The wedding will continue.

Toph is also none too pleased with her mother’s seemingly instantaneous leap from widow to new bride. Spilling the news to Aang helped a little and it gave him a chance to tell her of the band being signed to a recording contract.

Now that Ozai has a new daughter to plan for, there is a lot to take care of. He has laid down the law to Toph and she is afraid of what could happen next. Little does she know, he has some help. The young housekeeper, Meng, thinks enough is enough. This spoiled rich girl gets to have everything she wants, and that includes Aang! This has to stop, now. And much to her delight, Ozai is calling on an old connection with an even older lineage. Poor Toph…

The car is finally finished and delivered, and taken completely off guard by Zuko’s magnanimous present, Azula forgets everything she ever said about stopping what was going on between them and calls him. Fortunately she was summoned back into work before she could make things even worse. Her regrets will come later. Sadly, that means little to Zuko, who spends the next few hours after she hangs up trying to calm his over-heated blood.

He was largely unsuccessful as the minute he fell off to sleep the dreams began. He didn’t need to worry about waking up embarrassed thanks to Haru, who had been trying to write in peace after the others went to bed only to over hear some mumbling coming from the back of the tour bus. Having been privy to snatches of Zuko talking to Azula earlier he was already in a foul mood and now hearing Zuko clearly dreaming about her in such a way was the last straw.

An enraged Haru quickly put Zuko’s dreaming to an end, slamming the drop down bunk he lay on into the wall sending him toppling onto the lower bunk and then the floor.

The ensuing fight was short and brutal with Haru finally taking a bit of the fury he feels out on his rival. Thankfully, Aang was there to break up the fight. Sokka was still a little ticked though, as his bunk was below Zuko’s. The insults and taunts hurled between the combatants did manage to awaken a bit of curiousity in Sokka though... Were they arguing about what he thought they were?

Katara has discovered that it isn’t just Pakku’s barbaric teaching practices that are from the dark ages. Apparently, his marital ideas are from there as well… 0_o

Katara manages to email Zuko before attempting escape from her Alaskan prison. As one might imagine, he is not too excited about Pakku’s obvious interest in his girlfriend, and tries to reach her, only to find it impossible to get a hold of her. He prays she is ok, and a few days (and a few worried voicemail messages) later, he finally gets a hold of her. But only to find out that instead of going home, she will be arriving soon to visit him. Hope he finds a way to hide all those bruises from Haru. At least he doesn’t have new ones from her brother who finally found out just why Zuko hasn’t been dipping into the groupie pool. Sokka handled the news that his baby sis was dating Zuko with surprising aplomb. Wonder what he will think when it is right in front of him…?

Suki is feeling pretty good after her trip to the beach with the gang but even that had its shadows. That doesn’t stop her from reaching out to Teo though. Shame she can’t shake this stomach virus…

After missing a day of work, a concerned Teo calls Suki to check up on her and see if their next date is still on. Despite feeling sick earlier, Suki seems significantly better and the date goes smoothly. Well… almost smoothly. On the way to her apartment, Suki keeps dozing off in the car but wakes up enough to invite him upstairs into her apartment. But before anything can get started she falls asleep again, and Teo doesn’t have the heart to wake her. Instead, he just tucks her into bed and goes home alone.

The next morning, even more concerned seeing that she’s missed yet another day of work, Teo calls Suki again and makes the suggestion to go see a doctor. 

It is only a few days later when Suki finds out the truth about her “stomach flu,” and calls Toph in a state of hysterics. How will she ever break the news to Sokka…?

This peculiar brand of madness is brought to you by
smillaraaq    (Haru, Sokka, & Ziva),
drygon    (Zuko, Teo, & Suki ),
dungeonwriter    (Ozai, Katara, & Toph), and me: 
loveroftheflame    (Azula, Aang, & Aunt Wu)!!

Minor characters sometimes played by various cast memebers: Iroh, Jet, Theo, Mongke, Meng, Hahn, Ty Lee, & Mai...

Comments from our viewers are always welcome!

update, emo zuko's myspace, community challenge #01, hs soap

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