Switched at Birth

Aug 03, 2011 13:35

It's official. I love Bay. She was adorkable about wanting The Thing as her new car, asking for the smiley face on her pancakes, making the funny face for the birthday picture, and just in general she's great at including Daphne. It's kinda hilarious because at the beginning of this show I clearly favored Daphne. I think what changed is Bay chilled out and I think in part because of Emmett. Daphne, on the other hand, has freaked out although quite understandably. It doesn't make me dislike her or anything. I think why I've actually become detached from Daphne is her attitude towards Bay and Emmett. You can see it when she mentions Bay to Emmett. The faces! Lol. I understand her jealousy, but for christ sake if Bay can deal with her parents fawning all over Daphne then Daphne should be able to deal with Bay and Emmett getting closer.

Another surprise switch is that I'm starting to like Mommy Kennish. I could tell after Regina's big reveal that though Kathryn was just as upset as everyone a part of her understood and wouldn't be able to condemn her for it. I liked how she mentioned that she had felt that they were starting to become friends. Awww. I find that adorable considering how it seems Regina barely tolerates the Kennishes because she's too busy judging them. Lol. But what really really got to me was her birthday speech to the girls where she said that despite the fuckery of the baby switch (uh, my words) she feels lucky because it means now she has TWO incredible daughters ::sob:: and the other people who've been brought into their lives because of it.

As for the dad, he's still an ass, but I'm getting used to it. It looks like they're setting up a reveal that the dad cheated on his wife in the past.

There was stuff with Regina that was good, but oddly not that moved by it. Half expected Regina to come into the birthday dinner and just mention not wanting to miss Daphne's birthday, but she mentioned Bay too! Seems like the reveal eased some of her guilt. Maybe she's try more to connect with Bay now. Although, where was her gift to Bay?

Ugh, Emmett's mom. Now we know where we picked up his ugly attitude about the hearing. I couldn't stand her. Bay's been actively learning sign language. Give her a break if she's not great at it! I get that things look bad to Melody with Emmett suddenly wanting speech therapy and coming home bleeding, but she's obviously wrong about Bay. I was glad to see Emmett rethinking his stance about relationships between deaf/hearing people. Although, the plus side of Emmett's obnoxious mom was the HI-larious conversations between them. 'Rough sex?' 'Mom!' And Bay having absolutely no idea what was going on. A nice change of pace from seeing Daphne trying to play catch up in a discussion among the hearing.

So so so glad that there wasn't the typical tv scenerio where Bay realizes history always wins as Regina says. I mean everything was new at one point. And Bay has the advantage of her and Emmett being on the same page and creating something together. NOT like his one sided infatuation with Daphne (not a judgement of their friendship, though). Happy to see he didn't just get Bay a lame scarf, but was building a history of their own by putting her art up.

But now Daphne has to ruin it by thinking she has feelings for him. I get that she's really vulnerable and has been let down by her mom, but clinging to the next closest person is the not the answer. I don't think her feelings are coming from a genuine place. But after the whole situation with Ty and Bay feeling insecure when it comes to Daphne (although she's really improved in that area) I don't see Bay revealing her relationship with Emmett =(

Let's get this love triangle out of the damn way fast! I want some Daphne/Bay sister bonding.

switched at birth

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