Songs of the Heart #9: Come Here boy

Dec 16, 2008 13:40

Rating: K+
Word Count: 186
Summary: Hermione chooses fun over intelligence.
Prompt: Put your iTunes on shuffle, and write a drabble based on each of the first ten songs that play.
Song: Come Here Boy by Imogen Heap

I can’t lie. I want him. I don’t know why it’s him and not the other. Maybe it’s his smile. The one he saves for me. George has never smiled at me that way. I think Fred sees what no one else does: that there is more to me than my smarts. And I think that’s what makes me want him. He sees me. When everyone else sees help on their essay for Potions, he sees me.

He knows too. He knows that I want him. We sit next to each other at dinner, and unbeknownst to the family his hand brushes my knee under the table. We stand next to each other in the living room, and his hand brushes my back as he passes me.
I watch from the corner of my eye as he walks up stairs to the upper floor and away from the mini gathering of friends. After a minute I follow him. Leaving the rational side, the smart side, of me behind. I don’t want to talk about books or school. I just want to have fun. I want him.
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