(no subject)

Jul 26, 2005 12:38

Have you ever...
1. Fallen for your best friend - no
2. Made out with JUST a friend - yes
3. Been in love - no
4. Used someone - yes
5. Been used - yes
6. Done something you regret - I basically regret not doing some things I should have done

Last person...
1. You cried to - I don’t cry
2. You talked to - my sister
3. You hugged - my boyfriend
4. You instant messaged - The Moomin
5. You yelled at - my sister
6. You laughed with - my bf
7. You had a crush on - Kyo
8. Who broke your heart - it doesn’t matter now

Do you...
1. Color your hair - I used to.
2. Have tattoos - my God, no!
3. Piercings - no
4. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both - yeah
5. Floss daily - very funny…
6. Own a webcam - nope
7. Ever get off the damn computer - sometimes
8. Sprechen sie deutsche - ja, natürlich
9. Habla espanol - I learnt Spanish at high school but it seemed to be a bad joke to try to teach us Spanish. We were fed up with English and German.

Have you/do you have...
1. Considered a life of crime - no
2. Considered being a hooker - now, it’s insulting
3. Considered being a pimp - yeah, sure, I dream about it
4. Split personalities - no
5. Panic - often
6. Anxiety - sometimes
7. Depressed - no
8. Suicidal - never
9. Obsessed with hate - no
10. If you could be anywhere, where would you be - in Tokyo
11. What are you listening to - Blackfield
12. Can you do anything freakish with your body - Heaven forbid!
13. Chicken or fish - chicken
14. Do you have a favorite animal - dog

1. Clothes -
2. Mood - tired and very, very sore
3. Taste - Irish cream tea
4. Hair - a mess
6. Smell -
7. Thing I ought to be doing - writing my thesis
8. Desktop Picture - a glider - bf can’t stand my penis-centric desktop pictures anymore
9. Favorite Group - it’s a tricky question
10. Book -  Polish one
11. Worry - being car-less ;]

1. Drink - tea
2. Color(s) - black, blue
3. Shoes - high heels
4. Candy - I don’t eat candies
5. TV Show - “Newlyweds” with Jessica Simpson - the funniest TV Show ever
6. Movie - many
7. Dance - don’t dance

Are you...
1. Understanding - it depends but I work hard on it

2. Open-minded - yes

3. Insecure - sometimes

4. Interesting - ‘hope so

5. Hungry - always

6. Friendly - it depends

7. Smart - heh

8. Moody - sometimes

9. Childish - yes

10. Independent - YES!

11. Hard working - he he he

12. Organized - ::rotfl::

13. Healthy - maybe

14. Emotionally Stable - sometimes ;]

15. Shy - sometimes

16. Difficult - yes

17. Attractive - ?

18. Bored Easily - yes

19. Thirsty - not now

20. Responsible - I try to

21. Sad - not now

22. Happy - usually

23. Trusting - no

24. Talkative - yes

25. Unique - ‘hope so

26. Needy - no

Who do you want to...

1. Kill - no-one

2. Slap - no-one

3. Look like - Audrey Hepburn

4. Be like - my dad

On you...

1. Name - Justyna

2. Nicknames - Hideto, Hidetka

3. Hair color - natural blond

4. Eye Color - greenish-blue or blueish-green

5. Siblings - a sister

6. How do you describe yourself - a single to the core

7. What's your sign - Virgo

On friends...

1. Best Friend(s) - it’s too complicated

2. Friend(s) you go to for advice - I don’t

3. Friend(s) you have the most fun with - too many to mention them all

4. Friend(s) you've dreamt about -

5. Friend(s) you tell secrets to - I don’t

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