Title: Being Human
Pairing: Sam/Castiel
Genre: BFF!fic, fluff
Rating: G
Length: 514
Warning: none
Spoilers: none
A/N: Apparently when I'm mopey and depressed, I write Sam/Cas. This isn't mopey or depressing, but...it's Sam and Cas, the children of Emo Land, so it's at least quiet and thoughtful and extremely random. Just wanted to share it.
In that quiet space between night and day, when all the world is asleep, and the only sound for miles is the hum of the highway beneath him, and the angel shifting restlessly in the backseat, Sam pulls the Impala to the side of a deserted stretch of highway and gets out.
He doesn’t say anything, just unfolds himself from the driver’s seat and stretches. His right foot tingles after too many hours of driving, and his back creaks, and pops, and a pleasant burn shoots through his muscles when he reaches his arms high above his head.
He quietly closes the door behind him, careful not to wake his brother, asleep in the passenger seat, and he moves to the front of the car. He rests against the hood, feeling the heat of her seep through the denim of his jeans; listens to her tick as she cools off and settles beneath him.
The world’s quiet now, only the sound of his breathing to disturb the breeze blowing through the grass at his side, and he crosses his arms over his chest, and looks up. A blanket of stars stretches on for miles around him, covering the inky blackness with endless pinpoints of light. He tries to count them; wonders what sound a star would make, if only he could just get close enough to listen.
But maybe stars don’t make sounds.
He wishes he knew the answer.
Soon a door opens, and the car shifts beneath him as someone gets out. He doesn’t have to look over to know it’s Castiel, can see the hem of his trench coat out of the corner of his eye as it flaps in the breeze when he rounds the hood of the car, and stands next to Sam.
He leans against the hood-his hands deep in the pockets of his coat-but never quite relaxes against it. He takes his cue from Sam, and remains silent, gazing upwards at the sky overhead.
Neither one speaks for a long time. When Castiel’s voice, rough and borrowed, finally breaks through the silence, Sam starts a little.
“You like the stars, don’t you Sam.”
“Hmm? Oh.” He relaxes again. “Yeah, I guess I do.”
“What is it about them that you like so much?”
“Oh. Well…I don’t know, exactly. I suppose…they make me feel small.”
“You are rather tall…”
“What?” Sam looks confused for a second, and then he laughs. “No. I mean…yeah, I am, but…that’s not what I mean. I guess I just…they make me feel normal, you know? Insignificant. Like everyone else.”
“What about you?” He looks at Castiel.
“Yeah. You like the stars, Cas?”
“I’m quite fond of them, yes.” He nods.
“What do you like about them?”
“…They’re home,” he says after a moment.
“Huh,” Sam says thoughtfully.
“What? Oh. Nothing, it’s just…sometimes I forget you’re not human. Catches me off guard a little, that’s all.”
“And I mean that in a good way,” he says quickly. “Being human isn’t all bad.”
“No,” Castiel says softly. “No it isn’t.”