Jun 16, 2011 23:05


Player Name: Daemyn
Age: 18
Timezone: MST
Personal Journal: tosaga (i never use this)
Contact Information:
Instant Messenger: AIM: ivollias


Name: Eridan Ampora, caligulasAquarium, Orphaner Dualscar
Age: 6 Alternian solar sweeps
Gender: Male
Fandom: Homestuck
Timeline: Post-Kanaya-fucking-chainsaws-him-in-half-aka-death-aka-this-app-is-going-to-contain-lots-a-spoilers.

Character Personality: Eridan Ampora has been described by Word of God as "the worst bastard Homestuck has to offer." From his actions, it's easy to see that this is most definitely true. What God is referring to when he says this is Eridan's selfish nature, and it implies that Eridan still harbored red feelings for Feferi when he killed her. At six sweeps old, Eridan's emotions have a strong hold over his actions, and he doesn't often think things through before acting. He acts on whims, and then runs with them, as we see with the matriorb situation.

He is the worst type of bastard not because he doesn't care (if so, Gamzee would be the worst,) but because he does, and yet he remains an unrepentant douche bag (in contrast to Vriska, who does care and does regret killing someone she cares about.) In fact, I would further encourage this point by adding that I doubt Eridan would've killed Feferi, or at least so mentally prepared to do so, if he felt any less for her. It is precisely because he has strong ties and felt so strongly for her that he struck her down after she said she wouldn't come with him to join Jack Noir. Or at least that’s how he sees it. Along with troll culture being so encouraging and supportive of violence, it’s not entirely out of the blue to suggest that historically trolls of a more dangerous, higher on the hemospectrum nature responded to declines of a romantic nature in murder, though more as a symbol of pride than anything. Eridan is thoroughly well-read in Alternian history, and finds it fascinating.

Throughout canon we see him descend into losing all hope on a personal level, and then essentially setting the actions forth that would bring about his own death. Killing Kanaya only to have her revive and literally saw him in half with her chainsaw. Eridan is the type of troll to bring negative situations onto himself, and thus he’s much more comfortable complaining and having to get his way about things in a negative light much more than a positive one. Oftentimes when he tries to do something in a positive light, he ends up fucking it up so bad there’s little way it won’t end up negative. Kismesissitude isn’t his favorite quadrant for nothing.

He is a desperate character, both in romance and in fate (which he doesn’t believe in anymore), and at the point I’m taking him he’s reached rock bottom. Ironically he is a naturally hopeful person to the point of some extreme naivety, which shows in his introductory pesterlog with Kanaya where she teases him about Feferi. It’s likely she’s done this before and knows how to rile him up, and his insistence that he can see through her bullshit is likely because she’s succeeded before. Alas the world of headcanon is one that can be charted in many ways, and we would like to stick to the definite map of canon.

The game gifts him the title Prince of Hope, perhaps because of his naturally hopeful nature (which he has since stuffed down and repressed due to negative complications in his romantic and social life). Eridan’s value as a comedic character rests on his radically different interpretations of the situations and challenges that arise from what you would normally expect (he takes Rose insulting him as a black come on, which on Alternia it would likely be), and in fact that’s what also makes him so dangerous and consequently unpredictable in his actions (see: killing Feferi and destroying the matriorb).

Character Abilities: First and foremost, even though his abilities are most likely identical to that of what you may call magic, he will insist that he harnesses the power of science to do his bidding. During his time in the veil, he was trained by Kanaya, one of his fellow trolls, in the art of white magic science, by which I mean she made him a magic science wand to play with. This white science has been used as blasts of energy, as seen page 5223 and page 5246. (Ironically, it should be noted that the former picture, despite being a stronger force of power, results in a KO and the latter results in death, while of course keeping in mind Eridan is fighting against two different opponents with two different fighting styles with varying combat prowess.) Because of the flipped symbolism the trolls have (night is safe, day is dangerous,) Eridan's white science is actually the troll equivalent of human Rose's black magic. Doc Scratch has hinted that this is the work of the game’s influence, but that’s neither here nor there.

Eridan is also a sea dweller, which means he has the ability to breathe underwater and has an innate knowledge of how to swim or so you'd think despite preferring to spend his time and most of his life on land. As a troll who is nocturnal, he can see fairly well in the dark. Thanks to spending a number of sweeps engaging in extreme role playing, of which Eridan has gained many of the levels, he is an incredibly competent adventurer and killer thanks to troll culture and society. Due to these FLARP days and his study of Alternian history and conquest, Eridan has somewhat of a strategic mind and is competent in combat. In fact, he’s very used to hunting large sky lusii in order to keep Feferi’s lusus’s hunger satisfied. He is also a competent skyhorse rider and likely has a bit of expertise in training, as his lusus is the most well-behaved of the lot.

And thanks to Sgrub, Eridan has also been donned the title Prince of Hope by the game. Though whatever this means relating to Eridan's time in Death City has yet to be seen, in canon Eridan has taken this title and reinvented its meaning. Because he is the Prince of Hope, hope is his jurisdiction and therefore it is in his right to say when there is or isn't hope, and in fact has even gone as far as directing his power to actively destroy any hope the other characters may or may not have left. It’s interesting to note that each of those Eridan has attacked and/or killed in canon have actually come out better for it (as in, they're in a better place, they prefer the state they're in after his white science did its thing, that sort of a thing.) Whether or not this is because of coincidence or is actually his title as the Prince of Hope at work is something yet to be fully confirmed either way in canon.

Character Weaknesses: Chainsaw wielding trollsbians.

As well as his own natural affinity for the negative, adding on top of that his inability to see things from other people’s perspectives and sticking to his own, adding in his failure to think things through before acting upon them, adding on top of that his douchebaggery and tendency for failure (and then at the worst times his ability to be effectual to an unfortunate degree), we get a nice combination for a loser joke character who’s going to attract a lot of negative attention and even potential danger. On the other hand, he’s also so very pathetic he could be seen as not worth the trouble (which could ironically move this out of the weakness section since it would consequently get him out of the trouble he’s tried so hard to get himself into? In any case,) Eridan is one part genocidal maniac, one part hopeless romantic, one part hipster/loser/tool.

On a slightly more sombre note, since he is post-death, he no longer has a personal sense of hope. It was killed the moment he decided to kill his prior moirail, Feferi. This may result in more recklessness on his part (he did end up getting himself killed in canon), it does also set a president that there’s no where for him to go but up, though that’s more related to the development he may take in game than an elaboration of a weakness.

Though he’s a sea dweller, he’s hardly spent any time underwater, one or two days seems to be the most he’s done in his life. As a result, even though it’s a natural ability, it’s likely he’s rusty when it comes to swimming/moving in water due to being out of it for so long.


What are the abilities that your character will retain in Soul Campaign?

• Whatever literary justice white science enacts.
• White science in general.
• Whatever unsaid powers the FLARP levels gave him.
• The powers that came with the title of Prince of Hope, granted upon him by Sgrub.
• Any weapons, though that’s likely a needless pointing out.

• Underwater breathing and swimming abilities, however out of use they have gone.
• Night vision.
• Hunting/FLARP experience in terms of technique. He has the memories, and thus remembers what happened and could put that to use.
• Knowledge of skyhorse riding/taming.
• Strategic knowhow.

What are the weaknesses that your character will lose or gain in Soul Campaign?

• None.

• A fairly large degree of helplessness if he were ever to piss the wrong someone off due to not having his weapons if he’s unable to find a partner.


Why your character should be a Meister: Eridan is experienced and very comfortable with a weapon in hand. Though he admittedly does not always think things entirely through, he is focused and has a determined drive about him. He knows how to use a weapon, andfrankly his personality is that of one who prefers to use more so than one who is used. He was meant to grow up a great conquerer (in his mind) and has modeled himself only after the greatest of Alternian leaders.

Meister Ability: Hopeful Soul - The stronger the sense of hope they feel, the stronger the resonance. If they have lost all hope, even a suitable match will fail to achieve a resonance.


Soul Description: Villainous, arrogant, pathetic, romantic, hipster, cultured.

Soul Appearance: Eridan’s soul is a pale grayish lighter purple. There is a small tuft of hair on top of the round that is an off-color pure gray, horns protrude from the top on either side of the hair, shorter and fatter versions of his physical bent horns. No eyes, but a set of thick framed glasses rest comfortably in front of the soul’s round face.


First Person: [When the communicator switches on it does so to the unusual image of one Eridan Ampora, hipster douche extraordinaire. Seeing as he's a troll, he's got horns like the rest of them and unlike the others about, he's also got fins protruding from the sides of his jaw. Eyes which haven't gotten enough rest are looking right at the watch (and therefore the feed) at first, but it doesn't take long before they begin to stray. Even though they do, they return to the watch fairly often and each time those eyes have a dramatic element to them. The gray hand not holding the communicator gesticulates in accordance to the words spoken.

Spend enough time with those eyes and hands and you'll realize how tiring the histrionics can get.]

Now normally I wouldn't be complainin' 'cause this bullshittin' is about the best I've seen when it comes to tryin' to convince me magic exists -- which it doesn't, by the way, it's nothing but a load a bullshitty hogwash and no amount a fakey fake drivel is goin' to make it any less unreal.

[As this douchebag talks, he does so with an alien accent unlike any of those on Earth. His "v"s sound like "w"s and his "w"s are doubled, not to mention his tendency to drop the "g"s off of certain words and have all-around subpar grammar and a pronunciation to go with it. If anyone wants to take note of his choice in fashion, it seems like he's trying to come across as a strange mix between hipster and supervillain.]

Anyway, I can respect the effort it takes to come across as diabolical and villainous even if you don't wanna admit it, but I've gotten to the point where I'm thinkin' this isn't entirely done by the work a Miss Fakemage. I can't blame any a you kidnappers if you're even listenin' for pickin' a royal blood like me to bring to this odd cityplace however you managed to do it notwithstandin'.

[After this, he makes sure to stare at the communicator head on, baring a fang or two and thus evoking the dramatic flair we discussed before.]

My curiosity is unsatisfied and I want answers. Anyone willin' to give 'em should respond.

Third Person: Eridan had it all planned out. Get to Jack, present his case as willing to work as a minion, make himself a spot in whatever new world would be under his rule, he could do it. He was a troll, pillaging and plundering were his thing. Violence wasn’t something he strayed from, as he had just proved to a couple of corpses and Karkat the witness some while ago. Now he’s found Vriska, stupid prancing fairy god girl, who would never stand a chance against the glow stick in his hand. But before she could roll her octet or he could send a spark of science, honking begins to bubble in the background.

Gamzee’s appearance was unexpected, but if he wanted to play this game too, then fine. Eridan had enough power to kill both of them, and he would, he would, he swore to it if that’s what it came to, and it sure was coming fast. A tense moment of silence impregnated the air, only being interrupted by a hint of wind, the croon of random honks. They stared each other down, Vriska just as tense as he, while Gamzee kept that infuriating grin on his triply sliced face. Indigo blood stained his clown make up, and Eridan figured it was Nep’s doing, though it was obvious she came out the worse end of that encounter since her hat was on Gam’s head; Eq’s shades obscuring his eyes.

But this meeting wasn’t meant to be just the three of them. Footsteps came into hearing range, starting out fairly faint. Eridan saw Vris and Gam turn before he did himself, and he barely realized who it was before Gamzee’s bone bulge was kicked and the indigo blood was sent flying straight up and backwards into the air with a long drawn out HOOOOOOOOONK as the appropriate sound effect. Of course when Gamzee was sent flying, all of his newfound accessories and even his shoes were knocked off.

Kanaya was a fucking pscyho undead rainbow drinker, with the glow and everything. Eridan barely had time to register the fact that one of his victims was alive, yet alone clocking Vris across the face, doofing her hard enough to slide her across the floor, and breaking her glasses in the process - and hey, Kan had his cape tied around where he blasted her with science!

But Eridan didn’t give another thought to his cape, for Kan had nabbed his wand, snatched it from his hand, raised it above her head, and DEBUNKED it in half.

Eridan had never been more terrified in his life.

It had all happened so fast, and by the time he realized what she had intended by taking out her snarling chainsaw, a swift and extremely painful ripping of his insides had rendered him messily in two.

Eridan was surprised to find himself whole upon his waking. Actually, he was surprised he had woken at all. He wasn’t a fucking rainbow drinker; he wasn’t Kan. But there he was, with a fully functioning - not to mention whole - body, with no cape and no wand. He looked up to statues, chains, and rubble. Whatever this was, it wasn’t a dreambubble. Feferi’s told him about them, and they began with memories or at least a familiar setting before snatching you to whatever place they want to. He must have fallen off the edge somehow like Gamzee did, but Gamzee wasn’t there.


The first person sample is recycled from an app for a game where Eridan is taken from a prior canon point.

soul campaign, app

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