I had a really bad night last night, mostly because I am worried about the ultrasound and exam I have today, but also because of the hoo haa that happened in my LJ after a Boost the signal post about the DDOS attacks.
I think it's only common sense to know that if there is a point of view that is out there that I don't agree with, that it is my duty to myself and maybe a duty to my country to get my POV out there. Not because I want my point of view to be viewed as the right one, or viewed as the most researched. I would want to get my POV out there so that others can look at both views and get a better picture of the problem.
There are two sides to every story, and then there is the truth somewhere in the middle.
Live Journal has been through a lot in the 7 years since I have had it. There was some issues about 3 years ago about child porn or Harry Potter or something that made people leave for Insane Journal. I agreed with their moral issues and felt that their leaving was right for those that did.
Lj over the years has suffered other issues, that made people I care about leave, actually made one of my great friends, and one of the best QAF graphic artist leave, her name was Cara. Not a week goes by where I don't miss her. I have seen people leave over silly issues and personal issues, and after awhile the friends page isn't what it used to be, but that is life and after 7 years you learn to roll with the punches. So posting the post I did was done with a very kind heart in hopes that the service will stay up, alive and well.
I can say with certainty that there had never been the issues with this site, like there have been since it was bought by the Russian company SUP ( pronounced like "soup"). I also can honestly say that DDoS attacks never happened here until that time. Are these DDOS attacks political in nature as a way to shut out a method of communication? I don't know, and part of me doesn't care either. I want the product to work when I need it or want it., I want to read my flist when I want to, and I want all my friends to have that experience as well. There ya go some western world thought.
So my advice to all of our Russian friends that have another side to this story is, TELL IT!!!! Don't make blanket posts then lock them so no real conversations can happen. I made my boost the signal post public on purpose, mostly because I wanted to see other opinions on the matter and to let people that might be driving by see that there is an issue with the service.
I did not make my post so I could be dictated to, and told to edit my content. I did not make my post in an effort to keep black journalism in the public eye. I did not make my post because I have some brainwashed ideology that I was trying to preach to the masses. I was posting one side of the story perhaps our Russian friends can post a boost the signal post from their point of view, to get there personal side to the story out. I would be more than happy to boost that signal too.
The idea that I should delete my post and say nothing, and have people just stick to being happy about a service we pay for being brought down, for any reason is unacceptable to me. Free exchange of differing points of views is one of the best things about being human. It's what makes us smarter, saner and just makes getting up in the morning better.
This post has been edited a couple of times for Typos only.