Scribbling at Midnight: Some Poems

Mar 13, 2005 00:32

Here are some poems I wrote very early in the morning when I was feeling shitty. Hopefully, I wasn't also writing shitty.

The Unknown Ache

Maybe I was and I don't remember
An unknown ache under lock and key
A secret dance, a violation
A painful realizing of fantasy

Maybe fingers have touched this body
Maybe hands have burned me sore
Invisible in pores still sinking
Down to bone, to marrow's core

My tears of their own voaltion
Cry for answers in forgotten dreams
For if my heart has not been burdened
No black confession shall set me free


The Tree of Knowledge

My eyes have dulled, they blink so slowly
Focusing on highway signs
The sounds have ceased to stike my eardrums
Only distantly clanging like sharpened knives

Still, apathy is a word familiar soley to the ones who see
The lookers-on claim sadness only
And quickly treat its black disease

But no pills, no sweat, no dangling fruit
Can untie a besotted bow
That hangs from heaven's tree of knowledge
And wraps around my throbless throat


dead dead dead dead
let it ring, a churchbell's clang
speak it in the sacresty
message plain
fingers plain
pennies on my pupils--
and nickels in my brain
so sing forever joyfully
of death
my life's refrain

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