Age: 18 (?)
Height: Specifics Unknown. Short.
Weight: Specifics Unknown. Small.
Medical Info: Basic Stats
HP: 60 Speed: 28
Strength: 15 Defense: 20
Magic: 30 Resistance: 28
Skill: 28 Luck: 40
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black
Physical traits: Although he looks like a teenager, no one, least of all him, is actually sure of how old he is. Due to his unique heritage he ages slower than humans. He is also, again due to his dragon blood, quite pretty. Now, most characters in FE are very good looking but there's no other way to describe Soren as anything other than 'girl'. You add a short height, thin body and an attitude to the mix and what you get is a feminine looking, scowly wind mage.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Everything but the mark on his forehead.
Abilities: Magic depending on what tome he has with him. I think, given that he was on a long journey all on his lonesome, he would carry the most basic of tomes with him. So he has: Blizzard, Elwind, Elfire, Elthunder.
From all appearances in the game, Soren is...compact. Because of this he is also fast. Equipped correctly, he can double-cast, attack first, and has enough magic strength to decimate a Boss with a lower level tome. Although he is not physically strong, he does not need to be if he can strike from far away. His resistance is also quite high in comparison to other magic users, therefore he can generally take most magic shots.
Notes for the Psychics: Cannot block mental attacks but since he was trained to be a spirit-charmer, as well as being half-dragon, I believe he would be able to sense the attack and fend it off to some degree.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure.
Maim/Murder/Death: Um...Maim yes, murder/death...drop me a note first.
Physical Contact/Kissing/Hugging: A light touch on the shoulder maybe. Real contact? Probably only from Ike and that's debatable depending on his mood. Kissing and hugging will lead to an Elwind, or at least the threat of one.
Cooking: There is no reference in the game of him cooking, but given that he lived at least half of his life as a slave or alone, not to mention that he's a mercenary, presumably he can make something edible.
SPOILERS: I should also add that since this is PoR, although he knows he's part laguz, he doesn't know that a) he's half-dragon and b) that he's technically the heir to the Daein throne and c) that he's a prince of the Dragon Clan.