>> application

Apr 07, 2009 19:08

Copy and pasted from here!

Player Name: Reina
Contacts: rozeluxe @ AIM

Character Name: Zidane Tribal
Job: Monkey farmer! o/
Series: Final Fantasy IX is the story of a monkeyboy skirt-chasing thief, a babe-licious princess who nicknames herself after a dagger, and their merry friends' quest to figure out why said princess's fat-ass, butt-ugly mother suddenly has the urge to blow shit up to kingdom come. But whoops, turns out that her weapons supplier, the fabulous thong-wearer Kuja, is the one who screwed the queen up and in extension, Alexandria, and in another extention, the Mist Continent of Gaia because that crazy bitch has decided to try to invade and dominate all the surrounding countries.

But just giving weapons of mass destruction to Queen Brahne isn't enough for that walking fashion disaster! He also gives her the means to extract Eidolons, FFIX's version of summons, from the Summoners of Madain Sari. That bastard. Oh, and did I mention that Princess Garnet, has them in her? Yeah, you can guess how that turned out. Anyway, Brahne soon decides that Kuja has outlived his usefulness and tries to kill him using the Eidolon Bahamut, but he retaliates by calling his airship Invincible and taking control of the eidolon to attack her and her army. Owned. But Brahne regains her senses, and she apologizes to Garnet, dying soon after. Garnet is to becomes the next Queen of Alexandria. Whee, spoilers~

However, after her coronation ceremony, Kuja attacks Alexandria with Bahamut, but Garnet and the loli summoner, Eiko, go NO YOU and summon Alexander to protect the kingdom. He does, but suddenly an old man comes and destroys Alexander and much of the city. This is so wtf and nooooo inducing that Garnet is rendered mute for a time until she bounces back with Zidane's help and a new hairstyle to boot. Meanwhile, Kuja's never going to give eidolons up, so he kidnaps Eiko to perform an extraction on her. He fails, but finds out about the power of Trance, FFIX's limit break. Not good.

Okay, time to speed up more! We find out about Kuja being from this alien world called Terra and was never hugged as a child by daddy Garland who just wanted him to be a good Angel of Death and speed up the process to replace the Terrans with Gaians through death and destruction. However, it turns out that he was supposed to only be a temp until Garland perfected the true Angel of Death. This is why Kuja's NOT HAPPY when Zidane, a perfect Genome is created.

...Yeah, Zidane's supposed to a Angel of Death. But you see, as a kid, Kuja didn't like him much so he took him and dropped him on Gaia, where he was raised by Tantalus. Later on, Mikoto, a third Angel of Death was created. She, along with Garland, eventually tell Zidane about this, which makes him try to fight Garland, but that ends with him getting locked up in Pandemonium to emo until Garnet and his other friends snap him out of it. It makes him realize that his true purpose in life is protecting everyone he cares for, aww.

After this, Kuja shows off his new Trance powers and kills Garland off. Even so, the old bastard tells him that he's going to die soon too from beyond the grave, which makes him go on a rampage to destroy the Crystal, the root of all life, because like hell he's going to let the world live on without him. Zidane and the others go DO NOT WANT, so they beat him up...except whoops, he transports them to some random final boss called Necron, but they beat him up too. o/ By now Kuja's dying, but he transports Zidane and his party out of there. But Zidane says goodbye to the party here and goes to try to save Kuja from death by tree because you don't need a reason to help others! However, it looks like the tree went omnomnom on them.

...Except not, because a long time later, he reappears during a play performance by Tantalus! Cue aww-inducing reunion between Zidane and Garnet! Fin~ ...He's being taken from here, whoops. Man, that was long.

Personality time! Zidane is a easygoing, happy-go-lucky guy who loves helping people in need out. Really, if he sees anyone who needs help, he'll help them as much as he can, especially if he's promised to do so. After all, according to him, you don't need a reason to help people. This help ranges from kidnapping upon request to rescuing people after being snatched to just cheering the emo kids up.

Despite his cheerful and confident personality, he's actually does thinks ahead quite a bit. His knowledge about the world is quite vast and it's obviously he's been to quite a few places in the world. Even so, he's quite headstrong and will rush into situations without thinking much if he feels that someone is in danger, often resulting in the need for someone to hold him back so he can cool down a little. Messing with his friends is a pretty quick way to aggravate him, you know! But he'll be nice even if the person was an asshole if he or she seems repentant (like Kuja).

He's also very talkative, playful, and mischievous! Just ask all the people from various towns he was in. Better yet, ask Amarant. Zidane stole something and framed it on him! And Freya, who he pretended not to remember the name of even though he already has met her a few times before.

Oh, and he's the type to hide his worries and some less than cheerful thoughts most of the time, since he doesn't want other people to worry about him. He may still have some leftover emo from the whole Terran thing, but he'll bounce back from that quickly since Garnet and the others did a good job of snapping him out of it. But other than that, he's going to be the guy that jokes around and challenges you to stuff just for the fun of it.

Also, he totally fancies Garnet/Dagger! They've helped each other a lot when they were down and needed advice and cheering up, and he considers her more important to him than anything else. Garnet becoming Queen makes him sad because she'd have to be isolated from them, but well, stuff happens and yay happy ending. o/

...Err, yeah. Moving on!

Sample: [You may link to us any previous threads you've had with this character. But there should also be a sample about 100 words. Or, if you don't want to do a 100 word sample you are also free to request to do a thread with the mod.]

Now, how do I put this... Hey, Goddess? You didn't give me your name, so I'll stick with that until you decide to give me your name! Look, I don't mind helping you out with your farming. I'm not the type to turn down a lady's request. But there's just one little thing you may have neglected in your haste: I'm not a farmer!

If you didn't know, I'm a member --well, used to be a member-- of this group called Tantalus. They're a traveling theater group who run a certain business on the side. Other than that, all I've done is travel around and participate in a whole bunch of stuff like festivals and card tournaments. Yeah, not exactly the kind of experience that lends well to farming. And I'm pretty sure farming isn't exactly a pick-up-and-do thing.

So, to put it short: why am I supposed to be a farmer here and can I switch jobs?

Oh, and Goddess? I'd really appreciate it if you told me how to make those cows stop biting my tail. It can only take so much bovine abuse before enough's enough, you know?


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