If the states had a kingqueenfaerieSeptember 2 2006, 06:52:46 UTC
It would be Jesus Christ because he was the decendant of King David. And a marketing firm would buy the rights to his name and his image just Like King James did. The marketing firm of the church wold have Jesus tee- shirts, video games, fish tanks, and of course...action figures. They have a Mary Magdaline doll just for the bitches as a Mc'Donalds toy. God Bless America!
Re: If the states had a kinghightalerSeptember 2 2006, 07:28:52 UTC
haha...yeah commercialism is great, isn't it? weird fact, i had an economics teacher who proved to us and who the jews confirm to be a descendant of king david. i guess that makes me holy and bronx science too cause he went to bronx science like the first day it opened. yeah he's old. so wait....quick comment. is ronald dating mary magdaline? is that why ppl can recognize him more than jesus cause he's the modern day savior, but just got stuck working at mcdonald's?
Laughing like that by yourself makes you seem crazyqueenfaerieSeptember 3 2006, 18:56:01 UTC
Wow, you knew one of the seven decendants...that's kinda cool. And yes, Ronald is with the Magdalaine. The truth is, now this may shock you, Jesus didn't die on the cross. He fled to France where he had seven children and disguised himself as a clown. He and his children opened the planets first fast food joints and live in hiding as Ronald Mc'Donnald and those fucked up little side kicks like the Hamburgler and that giant purple dude. That's why he opened that house for poor kids and retards. Only a jesus clown would do that.
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