[Name]; Samantha
[Gender]; Female
[Age]; fifteen
[Location]; St. Clair Shores MI
[Sexual Orientation]; Straight
[[Favorite Things]]
[10 Bands];
-The Blood Brothers
-The Faint
-Head Automatica
-The Locust
-Action Action
-A second to late
-Norma Jean
-The Cure
-The Chariot
[6 Items];
[5 Movies];
-The Breakfast club
-The Virgin Suicides
-Fight Club
-Sixteen Candles
[4 Books];
-Fight Club (anovel)
-Invisible Monsters
-Stoner & Spaz
-The Virgin Suicides (anovel)
[3 Stores];
-Urban Outfitters
-Local Thrifts
-Old Navy
[2 Idols];
[1 Place];
-Paris Frances; because it’s fucking beautiful &&I would do ANYTHING to spend the summer there again.
[Promote us to 3 journals and//or communities and post the links here]:
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http://www.livejournal.com/users/xspicy_gal0rex/20890.html?view=488858#t488858 http://www.livejournal.com/users/shes__electrick/57092.html?view=188420#t188420 http://www.livejournal.com/users/thtzwutitsmade4/6638.html?view=6382#t6382 [[Photos]]
[4+ Clear Pictures of YOU[i need to see the face and bod]];