i think you're hilarious, but you're influenced by people too much, it seems like you're very drawn into trends, and into the scene. You have a lot of growing up to do, and thats ok because you still have time. you're a cool girl, and your very outgoing, which are both great characteristics, you seem to have a grasp on life, which is rare with people your age, and reminds me of myself at your age.
over all, your a great girl, just dont let things influence you so much, be your own person, not something that you think looks good. or is popular.
you change a lot. i've noticed a lot of different personalities all coming from you. i don't know if you know what you believe but if you do i think you should stick to that.
your funny as hell and look as cute as i do if not cuter in my clothes. your always there for me when i try and die when we go out to eat. except you have some car door issues
uve changed a lot over the years .. but ive seen u go from happy 2 worse 2 evn worse 2 now were ur better than evr and i think ur an awesome person u alwyas have ben and alwyas will b .. ur one of the most truest and realist ppl i kno and the stuff uve ben through is like no1 else but through all tht uve grown as a person .. ur awesome honestly i love how ur so real thats the best part about u theres no fakeness or 2 b continues ur u and thats the best way 2 b!
Comments 5
over all, your a great girl, just dont let things influence you so much, be your own person, not something that you think looks good. or is popular.
you're cute and plenty funny!
p.s youre a pretty nice person.
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