So I was having dinner with a friend whose cousin is into girls, she misses the dick sometimes but for now she is perfectly content. Turns out her girl friend cut her finger and the joke was she wasn't going to get any. I thought this was amusing and though I don't know her cousin, I do know her and I want the best for her and hers. Now I don't necessarily care where you put your bits, fingers, tongue and or other unless perhaps I am pondering whether or not my bits have a place there. Whether or not I know you I want you to be able to place your heart somplace safe, with someone that will make you feel as wonderful as you are. I don't agree with the exclusionary nature of organized religion but again I want you to be able to put your heart where it is taken care. It matters not whether your church of choice recognizes anything at all as that is for you and your heart to decide. My point is, the city, state, country that I live has no right to impose a religious basis on a taxable situation. I care less about people being recognized as married or unioned or fuck buddies. I keep picturing my wife in the hospital and all the nasty decisions I was confronted with. To imagine that your mate could be denied access to you because of the word married and that your fate might lie in the hands of someone that does not know your inner heart. I guarantee that God holds love higher than you do and knows love when its there so quit trying to impose your will.
Please to be Wednesday soon.