The World
This Earth is now a constantly shifting mass. Just like scenes can blend and inexplicably change in a dream, this world can too change suddenly in illogical ways. A desert may lead into a swamp with leads into tundra. There is no predicting what you will wake up to in the morning. Some shifts are slow and some happen in an instant.
There are still signs of past human life on the surface. Whole cities may be stumbled upon or one lone telephone pole standing in a field. Some clearly show signs of Nightmares attacks and the weather wearing them down, but other buildings may be perfectly functional.
The Locals: There use to be so many, whole families living and working together to run the city of Higure. They did little else but work. Their personalities, hopes, fears, and desires seem to be drained from them. Their skin has a yellowish tint to it and they just smile politely and blankly at you. However, if they see anything like a Nightmare in their city, the locals will band together in a mob, working together to cast the outsider out.
They were all crushed when the city fell. It is unclear if there are any others in the world any more. [Not available]
The Mayor: He’s like your tour guide through the nightmarish world. He tells you what’s safe to eat and where to sleep, etc. See his
profile for more information.
The Nightmares: Everyone has a different fear and nightmare, and they all live on the Surface now. They are not real, but they feel real enough. Any bite will draw blood and any hits will bruise. They also cannot change you in anyway other then maiming you (no being bitten by a werewolf and becoming one). The Surface is teaming with Nightmares. Anything your can think of, you can run into. [Anything is allowed. Knock yourselves out]
The Good Dreams: Very rare. Most likely you'll see one being eaten by a Nightmare instead of having the chance to interact with one. Same rules as the Nightmares. No wish granting unicorns, but anything friendly is a good change. [Anything done is fine]
Ghosts: If you are able to see them then you'll never be lonely. If you can't see them then you'll pass off any chill in the air as a draft and go about your day. Some are skittish around people who can see them, but they vary as much as living people do. [Feeling a presence is fine. Seeing or talking to one is fine as long as your muse has that power. If you wish, making up a new ghost is fine BUT Mod approval will be needed for any history you give the ghost. New ghosts will be added below]
Notable Ghosts:
Gwen: A cheeky woman who has a taste for good looking men. For this reason she enjoys showers. She means no harm... Though it is creepy. She is the one ghost that left the city of Higure with the group. [She has enough power to more physical objects a bit. Contact Mods if you wish to have any meaningful talks with her.]
Tom: Young boy who likes to play on the fourth floor of the Newcomer's apartment building. He means no harm. [Left in the city of Higure. Not available]
Mother in the Caves: She is a powerful spirit that stays in one area in the caves. She can rise or lower the temperature and may appear in front of people who cannot normally see ghosts. She rarely does this and when she does she forces her victim to watch her final hour. A call for help and revenge that may not be possible to fulfill. [Left in the city of Higure. Not available]
The Dalang: What the people were calling the aliens. That's what it sounded like the aliens were calling themselves anyhow. No one can tell you where they are or what they look like anymore. The mayor will tell you that they are the one's studying nightmares and dreams of people.
Ritpels: To make the Locals compliant, the Dalangs implanted small larvae inside their brains. These larvae are called Ritpels and keep who ever they are in into a sedated state. They cause a person's personality to fade and their skin to yellow. When their host dies, the Ritpel becomes aggressive, attacking the nearest free human ('human', like always, being a relative term). [Mod approval needed]
Chips: When someone first arrives, they will notice a small glowing light on the back of their hand (or the equivalent). The light is a dim glow from something under their skin. This is a chip, what the Danlang use to track the beings in their world. On the first day the chip is in the back of your hand, but when you sleep the chip moves. It may have only moved an inch to the left or the chip could now be in your foot or on your neck. Any attempt to cut out the grain of rice-sized chip only makes the chip dig down deeper into your body.
Chips come in four colors: red, blue, green, and yellow.