If you don’t check in and didn’t check in at the last Roll Call then you WILL be dropped from the game. We know who’s here really, we just need to make it official so we can clean house.
You have until September 4th.
We now have a major question for those left.
We haven’t had much activity here except from a few and have decided SOMEthing needs to change. And so we’re opening the question up since there’s only you, you, and us left really, which gives us a good chance to make this game into something we'd all like to play in~
What do you want us to do?
The Options
1) No changes. Keep things going as they are, city life, tests once a month, PDA chats whenever you feel like it. Maybe rewrite what we've got. Changes are bad. The changes the Mods come up with are really bad.
2) Complete overhaul. Maybe move everyone to the Surface, wandering across a destroyed world, fighting off hoards of flying monkeys trying to eat their faces off, bonding around the campfire? Something drastic will happen... A bit more of a plotline for a bit at least, but nothing too overwhelming in the long run.
3) Close Higure. Everyone go home, end of story. It would make the muses very happy.
4) Your idea. What ever that may be. It can’t be any worst then ours.
It’s up to you, because we’re democratic like that and can’t make our own minds anyways.
Reply here with your thoughts/questions. Through LJ or email or AIM is fine too, like always. Just a number will do or you can explain your thoughts a bit ^^
Thank you~