Here's the first batch of the new term. There are 5 applications waiting for your votes. There are also 4 applications waiting in the queue, so if you have already submitted your, it will be up sometime in January.
Application #535
House: Slytherin
Best Trait: I have high standards. It makes me sad when people settle for less than they want out of life. I would never just resign myself to a less than perfect job or car or guy or whatever. I might not have ALL THE THINGS yet, but I make sure that I have the best that’s possible for me at any given moment.
Worst Trait: I’m a liar. It’s an easy way out of situations and conversations I’d rather not have.
Do you like to have people around you, or are you more of a loner? I’m more of a loner. There days when I like to be social, but I need a lot of quiet time to myself to do the things I like, otherwise I’ll just get irritable.
Are you more outgoing or shy? Do you think this would change when you are in your animagus form? I’m neither outgoing nor shy. I’m selectively introverted. What I mean is that I can be very outgoing if I’m with people I like and I’m having fun, but when that’s not the case I tend to just withdraw into my head.
Please give an accurate description of your appearance; pictures are welcome! I’m short, thin, and pale, with blue eyes and dark blonde hair that’s currently colored black. Here’s a pic of me when I was still blonde: What kind of environment would you feel most comfortable in: air, water or earth? Probably air or earth. I’m scared of water and don’t like it very much. I’m used to being on the earth, so staying here is an option. I think it’d be fun and freeing to be able to fly, though.
What's your favourite kind of weather? Rain, storms, and snow. Basically, the kind of weather most people hate.
Favourite time of day (or night)? Night. It doesn’t matter if it’s evening or early morning, just as long as it’s dark. The sun hurts my eyes and makes me feel lethargic. I love the night sky, and being out at night makes me feel like I’m at one with the universe... or something.
Are there any traits you think you might like your animagus form to have? I would like it to be known for something or to be special in some way. It could be a very distinctive appearance, a unique call, or some kind of curious and/or unusual behavior.
What capabilities is it important that your animagus form have? I would like for it to be able to fly or move fast if it needs to. Also, I’d prefer an animal that is badass in some way. That doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be poisonous or aggressive. Feel free to get creative with that interpretation.
Are there any traits or capabilities which you absolutely do not want? I don’t want anything ginormous, slimy, or disgusting, or anything that is solely preoccupied with surviving. You know, like a bug or a fish.
Are there any animals that you feel drawn to or have a connection with? BIRDS -- especially parrots and raptors. I also love animals that make eerie sounds, like wolves and loons. Spiders fascinate me to no end, though I’m scared of them.
Are there any animals you are afraid of or strongly dislike? Cats. I don’t dislike them; I just think they’re overrated. I’m also not a fan of nastly-looking bugs.
Why would you like to be an animagus? Because I love animals and think it would be awesome to be able to turn into one.
Application #536
House: Ravenclaw
Best Trait: That varies, but today, I like myself because I'm very reliable. I follow through and live up to my word even when it's difficult to do so. Lately, I've been managing my time well and organizing my life. I'm feeling accomplished.
Worst Trait: I get a little lost in myself. Sometimes I'm far too self-consumed. It's been a battle that I've fought since I pulled my head out of my behind when I was around 17 and realized there was more to the world than ME! ;)
Do you like to have people around you, or are you more of a loner? Large groups and noise make me anxious. I can't function well. I'm fine in small groups, but at heart, I am an introverted loner. I love to be alone and enjoy the sound of silence.
Are you more outgoing or shy? Do you think this would change when you are in your animagus form? I don't think I'd change in my form. I'm an only child and though I married someone with a big family, I need my space. I'm very private, and that is so much a part of me that I don't believe it could be ignored. I'm certain my need for quietness as well as my need to embrace my shyness would show through in my form.
Please give an accurate description of your appearance; pictures are welcome!
I'm female, 5'5" with shortish brunette hair, green eyes, and about 25lbs overweight. I am decidedly average.
What kind of environment would you feel most comfortable in: air, water or earth? I could manage air, but I would be happiest on solid ground. I have a strong fear of water, especially deep water, so I beg don't put me in water.
What's your favourite kind of weather? I like overcast, rainy days. I sort of wilt in the heat and under the sun, so I've never enjoyed summer. I like spring and autumn because the weather is neither ridiculously hot nor cold.
Favourite time of day (or night)? I am most mentally alert in the morning. I'm a person who can hop out of bed and be fully functional no caffeine or sugar needed. I'm most productive exceptionally early in the morning and at dusk.
Are there any traits you think you might like your animagus form to have? I would like to have a visually attractive form. It doesn't have to be cuddly or adorable, but I don't want to cringe when I see it. I need my form to be intelligent and prefer fur to scales but scales to feathers … though I'd accept any of them. I need to be a clean animal because I'm a Germaphobe.
What capabilities is it important that your animagus form have? I'd like an animal that could blend in and be useful ... to perhaps be inconspicuous. I'm very nosy and would delight in spying on people. If I have the skill to transform, I want to be able to use it. I'd prefer to be a somewhat self-sufficient animal and have enough perception that I wouldn't be a danger to myself.
Are there any traits or capabilities which you absolutely do not want? I don't want to have my movements restricted. I don't want to be incapable of transforming because I'm too large or out of place (a la elephant in the city).
Are there any animals that you feel drawn to or have a connection with? That's a bit of an unfair question because it feels like leading. I am a cat person, love everything about cats, and my family nickname is Kitten. That said I don't require a cat as an Animagus form. I won't lie;I'd be happy to have one among my choices, but I'd like to have the chance to see how others view my personality as well.
Are there any animals you are afraid of or strongly dislike? I am so freakin scared of spiders that I could barely play the spider level in Harry Potter LEGO. Big, small, poisonous or harmless they all freak me out. I also dislike flying insects but accept they are necessary pollinators … and some eat spiders, so they can't be all bad. :D
Why would you like to be an animagus? Becoming an Animagus would be so freeing, I could explore the world from a brand new perspective. I am especially intrigued by how much of the animal understanding comes through for the human. It would be both intellectually stimulating and the ultimate in badassery.
Application #537
House: Ravenclaw
Best Trait: I’m very intelligent. Not only do I learn things quickly, I retain information well and am good at applying it. This allows me to understand and adapt to situation and to problem-solve. I’m also creative by nature, which helps with “thinking outside the box” when that’s necessary.
Worst Trait: I’m self-critical. I expect a lot out of myself and stress out over things, and am seldom satisfied even when other praise me. I’m bad at forgiving my own faults and mistakes.
Do you like to have people around you, or are you more of a loner? Definitely a loner. I have a few very close friends who are really important to me, but I tend to find social interaction tiring and need to be by myself to recharge.
Are you more outgoing or shy? Do you think this would change when you are in your animagus form? I’m fairly shy on the whole. I can fake being outgoing if need be and I’m outgoing with my friends, but for the most part I’m not comfortable around people and tend to be quite reticent.
Please give an accurate description of your appearance; pictures are welcome! I’m about 5’7” and fairly slim, very pale, with medium-brown hair and hazel eyes. I dye my hair fairly frequently, so sometimes it’s red or a darker brown (and once it had pink streaks); at the moment it’s my natural color and sort of shaggy and to my shoulders, because I’m growing it out to get a different cut. I wear cat’s-eye glasses with black plastic rims most of the time, but I also have a pair with thin purple metal rims as well as contact lenses that I wear occasionally.
Here’s a picture of me.
What kind of environment would you feel most comfortable in: air, water or earth? I’d be fine with any, but I think I’d like water or earth best. I’m obviously used to living on land, but I love the ocean- both being in it and studying it. (I was a marine bio major before other circumstances caused that to change).
What's your favourite kind of weather? I love those warm days where the air is that perfect temperature that matches your skin temperature and you can’t even really feel it. I also really like warm rain, when it’s steady and peaceful. And I have an odd fondness for thunderstorms, I love to watch them (though not go out in them.)
Favourite time of day (or night)? I’m a night owl, so I like the dead of night when no one else is up and I can just relax and things are quiet.
Are there any traits you think you might like your animagus form to have? I’d like something smart, is the main thing. Some sort of cool pattern/coat/ect. would be a really happy bonus.
What capabilities is it important that your animagus form have? It should be a creature that’s able to swim if at all possible, even if it’s not an aquatic animal. I also want something that isn’t defenseless- maybe it can hide well, maybe it’s got big teeth or poison, maybe it’s just something too big for most animals to eat! I’m quiet but I’m not defenseless, and I’d like my form to reflect that.
Are there any traits or capabilities which you absolutely do not want? Not really? Nothing that’s too easily killed/hurt, I guess.
Are there any animals that you feel drawn to or have a connection with? I adore cephalopods of all kinds! Actually I like a lot of sea creatures- I’m also a big fan of whale sharks, walruses, and elasmobranchs of all sorts in particular. For land animals, I’ve very partial to capybaras, porcupines, and oddball mammals in general. Things with fur are good, though I have nothing against reptiles and amphibians. As far as things that fly, I like owls and bats, but I don’t have a lot of interest in other winged things (unless flying fish count?)
Are there any animals you are afraid of or strongly dislike? Crocodiles/alligators are right out, those things terrify me. I also dislike dolphins (long story) and monkeys, and I wouldn’t want to be an arthropod.
Why would you like to be an animagus? Besides how obviously awesome it is? I think it would be cool to experience the world in a different way, and depending on the form I could explore places I’d never be able to see as a human.
Application #538
House: Ravenclaw
Best Trait:
I'm torn between saying independent and creative. I value both of these traits very highly, and I think they're sort of intertwined. I like to think for myself, and figure out how things are done, or how things might be made, and how I can make them myself. I don't always try to do these things {theoretically, I know how to make hats, but I haven't done it.} for various reasons usually related to money, but I like to work things out on my own.
Worst Trait:
This is a hard one, for the simple fact that there are so many things I've been told are bad about me, or I should change. I
talk too much, according to pretty much every teacher I've ever had, and according to my parents I'm lazy and inconsiderate because I don't care enough about their house or ranch to go running out and do everything without being asked. I suppose my worst trait is that I'm selfish, because I focus on what interests me and makes me happy rather than what the people around me want from me.
Do you like to have people around you, or are you more of a loner?
Rather a bit of both. I enjoy spending time with my friends, or just hanging out where there are people, but I also highly value my quiet time. I like most to have a choice, which in general, I'm not given.
Are you more outgoing or shy? Do you think this would change when you are in your animagus form?
I'm more outgoing, I think. I'll talk to people in the store, or on the street, for no reason other than we happen to be in the same place at the same time and I've noticed something about them. I think I'm a bit socially awkward, as I don't always know how to integrate into a group, and find doing so very intimidating.
I think, as an animagus form is an expression of one's personality, that wouldn't change for me.
Please give an accurate description of your appearance; pictures are welcome!
I'm 5'4, 250lbs, I have light brown hair, blue/grey eyes with odd bits of yellow around the pupil, {one of my few interesting traits, the color changes with my mood} glasses, and pale skin. I wear dark t-shirts with funny sayings or band insignia and jeans most of the time, because the 'adult' clothing available for my size looks like it belongs on people four times my age.
In pink, no less. What kind of environment would you feel most comfortable in: air, water or earth?
I suppose that would be air. I'm an ocean person, generally, but I don't think I'd get much use out of an animagus form that was restricted to water by lack of lungs or limbs. And though I'd love to be able to breathe underwater, {but thats what gillyweed is for, isn't it?} I've always wished to fly.
What's your favourite kind of weather?
I like all kinds of weather. Rainy days in summer, hot sunny days at the beach, windy autumn days when the leaves are colorful and blow everywhere, foggy days when you can smell the sea in the mist.. it's all beautiful. Except snow. Snow is evil.
Favourite time of day (or night)?
I really like the very early morning, when the sun isn't quite up yet. I don't see it very often, as I tend to stay up late and never have a reason to get up that early, but it's a nice, quiet time.
Are there any traits you think you might like your animagus form to have?
I've always thought it might be nice to have wings.. and be colorful. Some connection with the ocean would be very nice.
What capabilities is it important that your animagus form have?
Must be able to breathe on land.
Are there any traits or capabilities which you absolutely do not want?
I don't want to be very large, because large animals are much more visible and obvious if they don't belong. And absolutely not an insect.
Are there any animals that you feel drawn to or have a connection with?
My favorite animals are sea turtles, giraffes, hummingbirds, and red tailed hawks.. I feel most connected to hawks, of all animals.
Sea turtles are so beautiful and graceful in the water, and kind of awkward on land, which I suppose do identify with, but not really in a positive manner.
Giraffes are just such fun to look at, with their long necks and knobbly knees, and their pretty dark eyes.
We have hummingbird feeders at my house, and a large group of Anna's and Rufous Hummingbirds have moved into our trees to take advantage of the free calories. They're hilarious to watch buzzing around the yard and porch, each of them trying to claim the feeders as their personal territory or sneak in a sip. They've become so accustomed to seeing my family around that they'll hover inches from our faces and cheep at us if we're outside and the feeders aren't full. It's hilarious and such fun to see the flashes of their jewel tones as they zip back and forth.
There are dozens of red tailed hawks where I live currently. They are beautiful, with their creamy breasts, rust colored tails and curious brown markings, and I love to watch them swoop and dive, and count how many I see on the twenty mile drive between home and town. It doesn't matter where I am, it seems like I see a hawk there. Just yesterday, in the middle of the city I was visiting, one was in the street in front of my mom's car, and jumped into a nearby bush as we approached. It was awesome. Though being a vegetarian, I don't know how happy I'd be with their preferred diet. Probably I'd just make sure I ate before changing, if possible.
Are there any animals you are afraid of or strongly dislike?
Cows, Bulls, Bison, Buffalo, Male Deer- Scary huge things with massive horns that don't stop if you get in their way, and don't see any reason not to stab you with their horns/antlers and trample you with their hooves.
Horses- My family has several of them and I cannot stand them.
I wasn't going to include bugs, as they aren't really animals, from what I was told in biology, but then I remembered Rita Skeeter and.. ugh. Just No. I hate hate hate bugs.
Why would you like to be an animagus?
I want to be able to fly, mostly.
I think, as an animal, you're not anchored to the place your family has chosen, or the people who think just because you share blood, you have to love each other and stay together. You may go back to those places and those people, but ultimately, to be an animagus is to have access to a certain freedom, outside the bonds and bounds of society and family. Animals don't worry about bills and taxes and buying food for the table or gas for the car.
Another reason is that animals have useful traits that might be helpful. For instance, if one were trying to escape, they could change and depending on their form, they could run away faster than humans could, or they could fly out of reach. Depending on the animal, they could do any number of things. A pigeon Animagus, for instance, would be a useful spy as they're everywhere and nobody notices them, and a Clydesdale Animagus would be wonderful on a farm, which I suspect would suit the kind of person that might be a Clydesdale.
Application #539
Best Trait:I think my best trait is my optimism. I love being happy and I love making people happy. If I sense some bad feelings in a room, I can usually make it better by cracking a joke or just changing the topic into something pleasant. I have a positive outlook on life. Things often go awry, because that's just how life works, but I don't see why I should let things ruin my mood. This isn't to say that you'll never catch me in a bad mood (it happens, and when it does, it gets ugly), but I try to keep that to myself because I hate ruining someone else's good mood. So yes, my optimism.
Worst Trait: Like I said above, when I get in a bad mood, I get in a bad mood. I'm not violent, I don't get angry, I just start wishing bad things on people internally? If that makes sense? It happens really fast too. I can be my normal, chipper self and then someone will do something and I sort of snap. I get sulky and I basically act like a 3 year old throwing a tantrum. I'm a horrible person to be around and I have to take myself out of the situation because if I don't, I will actively try to ruin everyone else's mood. It's pathetic.
Do you like to have people around you, or are you more of a loner?I like having people around me, but I don't like being incredibly social around people. Like, if there was a party, I'd love to go because there are loads of people, but I'd be much more comfortably sitting somewhere off to the side. I like watching people and seeing all of their little quirks (and the fashion person in me is judging everyone's outfits, ngl). I do enjoy spending time by myself though.
Are you more outgoing or shy? Do you think this would change when you are in your animagus form? I prefer the term "observant." I'm definitely quiet, but I'm just watching people. I'm not the type of person that can go up to people and strike up a conversation, but I'm certainly open to conversation if someone wants to talk to me. I'm careful with what I say and I choose my words carefully, at least around people I don't know very well. I think other people see me as shy because I'm so quiet, but once I'm comfortable around someone I really start talking and you couldn't pay me enough to shut me up. I think this would carry over into my animagus form. This whole "keep to yourself and watch everyone else" things seems to be working well in my human form, I'd like it to carry over.
Please give an accurate description of your appearance; pictures are welcome!So here's a picture of me, but it's really only my face: To be a bit more detailed, I'm about 5'1" and pretty slender. I've been told I could have been a great runner, I just never had any desire to stay after school and practice. And my nails are typically short. Don't know if that's particularly helpful or not.
What kind of environment would you feel most comfortable in: air, water or earth?My favorite type of environment in water, but I can't see myself being in the water. I just enjoy the smells and sounds. So I think I'd like it best on land. I like to feel something solid underneath my feet. Something sturdy and stable.
What's your favourite kind of weather?Ooooh, I love rainy days, but only if I get to stay indoors. The sound of rain is so soothing and it just makes me want to curl up with my blanket. And it's all grey out; grey is my favorite color. It's calming. If I'm outside, I like it to be a comfortable 75-80 F. Warm, I can get away with wearing jeans and a shirt, nice weather to walk around the mall.
Favourite time of day (or night)?I've actually found out that my favorite time of day is right before sunrise. I found this out last summer when I was going to bed around 6am (oh the good ol' days). It's still dark outside and the birds start chirping. Everything is quiet. There's just something about it. It has the same effect on me as rainy days.
Are there any traits you think you might like your animagus form to have?I wouldn't mind a tail. Long, short, don't care. But a tail would be nice. And I'd really like some fur. Something warm and soft. Paws please! And I don't know if this is too much to ask for, but something small-ish? Like, not bear size? Only because I'm small now and I quite like it.
What capabilities is it important that your animagus form have?Good eyesight and I want to be fast! Honestly the only requirements I have here! I love fast things (roller coasters, cars) and I just want to have good eyesight because...just because.
Are there any traits or capabilities which you absolutely do not want? I don't see myself as a flyer. That's all I can think of.
Are there any animals that you feel drawn to or have a connection with?Small, furry, cute things. Like rabbits, hamsters, squirrels, foxes, raccoons (they're sometimes small, right?), etc. Sea otters were actually my favorite animals for the longest time (I know that they're not land types, but still). And I like dogs and cats. Keeping it traditional.
Are there any animals you are afraid of or strongly dislike?I'm terrified of most insects. And I wish that all spiders would die painful deaths.
Why would you like to be an animagus?I remember just loving the idea that people could turn into animals when I first read the series, and not just turning into an animal, but keeping your human thoughts after you've transformed. Being able to walk around as an animal and basically being ignored, yet you get to see and hear everything. I think I use my animagus form to escape, even if it was just for a little bit.
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- Remember to check if your pick has subspecies. If it does, specify a subspecies, just to be on the safe side!
- Especially remember to check that your animal choice has not already been
- Keep to the deadline! The time will always be given in UTC.
- Elaborate your vote (refer to the point scale in the voting guidelines) for the full 10 points per vote. Please use the vote checking thread if you'd like to be certain you receive the full points/knuts!
Get your votes in before January 16th at 8PM UTC/3PM EST.