The Master List

Dec 29, 2007 21:44


Please keep the following info in mind before applying with a character -- we want a good balance of males/females, bloodlines, and Houses!

Our cap is set in canon -- five boys and five girls per year/House.

As far as blood, we looked at the rare bloodlines and the more common bloodlines, and capped them as seen behind the cut. You must also play a reasonable balance of bloodlines with multiple characters -- if you have four Purebloods and one or less of the other bloods, you cannot have a fifth Pureblood. The only exceptions to this rule are any characters who were accepted before April 4th, 2006, which will be under a Grandfather Clause, and characters that are related -- for example, Celeste and Tom Paddock take up ONE Halfblood spot, as they are siblings. This rule was amended with the addition of fifth characters on May 24th, 2006, and again with sixths/UK characters on June 19, 2006; last amendment in August 2006 due to the amount of characters allowed. Please note that this rule is at the Mod's Descretion -- we will reserve the right to reject a player's latest character if they already have an insanely unbalanced set of characters.

BLOOD RATIO (Aurors stationed at Hogwarts and Hogsmeade and Professors not included)

Pureblood - 12 of 40
Muggleborn - 4 of 50
Half-Blood - 13 of 80

Boys - 16 of 140
Girls - 16 of 140


Peter Quince

Application: [+]

Player Body: Thomas Sangster

Birthday: May 1st

Year: 3rd
Blood: Muggleborn

Extra: None

Player: Sars // sarahgonecrazy

Fi McFinn

Application: [+]
Player Body: Gia Mora

Birthday: Feburary 8th

Year: 5th
Blood: Pureblood

Extra: Member of DA, Quidditch Seeker, Prefect

Player: Meli // weemumlessmngrl

Andrew Frazer

Application: [+]
Player Body: Drake Bell

Birthday: January 4th

Year: 6th
Blood: Muggleborn

Extra: Quidditch Chaser

Player: Kylie // kylezy

Kazuki 'Kazu' Takurai

Application: [+]

Player Body:Vic Zhou (from f4)

Birthday: July 20th

Year: 6th
Blood: Halfblood

Extra: Quidditch Beater, DA Member

Player: Yanni // ivampire

Haylyn Days

Application: [+]
Player Body: Alexz Johnson

Birthday: January 1st

Year: 6th
Blood: Halfblood

Extra: Member of DA, Prefect

Player: Ashlee // silverjet12

Louvika Hawkins

Application: [+]
Player Body: Axelle Red

Birthday: March 12th

Year: 6th
Blood: Halfblood

Extra: Member of DA

Player: Sam // hardnottowander

Bacchus Donovan godofwines

Application: [+]
Player Body: Alex Pettyfer

Birthday: August 7th

Year: 7th
Blood: Pureblood

Extra: Member of DA, Quidditch Captain and Beater

Player: Sammy // hardnottowander

Seth MacCarthy

Application: [+]
Player Body: Mika/Mica Penniman

Birthday: December 15th

Year: 7th
Blood: Muggleborn

Extra: None

Player: Steph // inanutshell10

Lexi Winchester

Application: [+]
Player Body: Alexis Bledel

Birthday: October 30th

Blood: Halfblood

Year: 7th
Extra: Member of DA

Player: Em // midnightdream__

Vanadevi Sen vanadevi_sen

Application: [+]
Player Body: Diya Mirza

Birthday: February 19th

Year: 7th
Blood: Muggleborn

Extra: None

Player: Lisa // evello


Gwen Gravenor

Application: [+]

Player Body: Lucy Griffiths

Birthday: September 28th

Year: 5th
Blood: Pureblood

Extra: None

Player: NPC - Comment here if you'd like to play this character

Aleesha Montgomery

Application: [+]

Player Body: Willa Holland

Birthday: July 23rd

Year: 5th
Blood: Halfblood

Extra: None

Player: Kylie // kylezy

Celeste Paddock

Application: [+]
Player Body: AnnaSophia Robb

Birthday: August 29th

Year: 5th
Blood: Halfblood

Extra: Prefect, Quidditch Beater, Leader of DA

Player: Steph // inanutshell10

Tom Paddock

Application: [+]
Player Body: Josh Hutcherson

Birthday: June 21st

Year: 6th

Blood: Halfblood

Extra: Prefect, Quidditch Captain and Beater, Member of DA

Player: Steph // inanutshell10

Chen Takurai

Application: [+]
Player Body: Hyde (from L'arc~en~Ciel)

Birthday: July 20th

Year: 6th
Blood: Halfblood

Extra: Member of DA

Player: Yanni // ivampire

Dai Kincadd

Application: [+]
Player Body: Daniela Sea

Birthday: January 24th

Year: 6th
Blood: Muggleborn

Extra: Quidditch Chaser

Player: Nori // nlduffy

Margie Staten

Application: [+]
Player Body: Ginnifer Goodwin

Birthday: March 9th

Year: 6th
Blood: Halfblood

Extra: Prefect

Player: Sars // sarahgonecrazy

Kenneth Agnew

Application: [+]
Player Body: Kellan Lutz

Birthday: January 3rd

Year: 7th
Blood: Pureblood

Extra: Head Boy, Quidditch Chaser, Member of FUKD

Player: Sars // sarahgonecrazy


Amabel Ricci

Application: [+]

Player Body: Abigail Breslin

Birthday: May 31st

Blood: Halfblood

Year: 2nd
Extra: Member of FUKD

Player: Steph // inanutshell10

Illiad Hawkins

Application: [+]
Player Body: Jared Leto

Birthday: November 5th

Year: 6th
Blood: Pureblood

Extra: Quidditch Seeker

Player: Sammy // hardnottowander

Sunny Charles

Application: [+]
Player Body: Alexis Dziena

Birthday: September 7th

Year: 6th
Blood: Muggleborn

Extra: None.

Player: Kylie // kylezy

Cameo Clarke

Application: [+]
Player Body: Fanni Bostrom

Birthday: August 28th

Year: 6th
Blood: Muggleborn

Extra: None.

Player: Eve // abominableeve

Brinley Watson

Application: [+]
Player Body: Shawn Ashmore

Birthday: May 14th

Year: 7th
Blood: Halfblood

Extra: Member of FUKD

Player: Meli // weemumlessmngrl

Rae Burton

Application: [+]
Player Body: Melissa George

Birthday: May 29th

Year: 7th
Blood: Halfblood

Extra: Leader of FUKD, Prefect

Player: Sars // sarahgonecrazy

Lissianna MacAlister

Application: [+]
Player Body: Emmy Rossum

Birthday: February 14th

Year: 7th
Blood: Pureblood

Extra: Member of FUKD

Player: Ash //ladydemando


Li Zheng

Application: [+]
Player Body: Stella Huang

Birthday: June 23rd

Year: 5th
Blood: Muggleborn

Extra: Quidditch Seeker

Player: Yanni // ivampire

Alastar Jennings

Application: [+]
Player Body: Max Thieriot

Birthday: August 15th

Year: 6th
Blood: Pureblood

Extra: Quidditch Keeper, Member of DA, Prefect

Player: NPC - Comment here if you'd like to play this character

Tarquin Moxley

Application: [+]
Player Body: Landon Pigg

Birthday: September 1st

Year: 6th
Blood: Halfblood

Extra: None

Player: Melanie // tarquin_m

Maxie Lloyd

Application: [+]
Player Body: Hayden Panettiere

Birthday: August 2nd

Year: 7th
Blood: Halfblood

Extra: Member of DA, Head Girl

Player: Kylie//kylezy

All canon professors will hold the positions until an Original Character applies and is accepted. Those positions not available are Headmaster, Deputy Headmistress, and Potions. All Professors are expected to post a Lesson each week. If you wish your Professor to take on a Head of House position, he or she must be at least 35 years of age, and must have previously been in that House (of course!).

Sorrows Askes

Application: [+]

Player Body: Sam Neil

Birthday: May 21st

Blood: Pureblood

Position: Arithmancy Professor

Extra: Member of the Order

Player: Sammy // hardnottowander

Claire Frey

Application: [+]

Player Body: Franka Potente

Birthday: April 16th

Blood: Pureblood

Position: Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Extra: None

Player: Kylie // kylezy

Marcy Hourigan

Application: [+]
Player Body: Katharine Heigl

Birthday: November 12th

Blood: Pureblood

Position: School Nurse

Extra: Death Eater

Player: Steph // inanutshell10

Grady Lennon

Application: [+]
Player Body: Hugh Laurie

Birthday: January 8th

Blood: Pureblood

Position: Astronomy Professor

Extra: Head of Ravenclaw House

Player: Steph // inanutshell10

Faolan McFinn

Application: [+]
Player Body: Paul Rudd

Birthday: June 8th

Blood: Pureblood

Position: Ancient Runes Professor

Extra: Member of the Order

Player: Meli // weemumlessmngrl

Genie O'Dwyer

Application: [+]
Player Body: Marcia Cross

Birthday: June 21st

Blood: Pureblood

Position: Charms Professor

Extra: Death Eater

Player: Meli // weemumlessmngrl

Edward Reed

Application: [+]
Player Body: Richard Armitage

Birthday: November 29th

Blood: Pureblood

Position: Transfiguration Professor

Extra: None

Player: Yanni // ivampire

Severus Snape

Application: [+]
Player Body: Alan Rickman

Birthday: January 9th

Blood: Halfblood

Position: Potions Professor

Extra: Head of Slytherin

Player: Mod Played - Steph or Sammy

Agis Yule

Application: [+]
Player Body: James Franco

Birthday: December 25th

Blood: Halfborn

Position: Librarian
Extra: None

Player: Lisa // evello

Reserved PBs
Noah Grey-Cabey - Steph - 8/29/08
Audrey Kitching - Steph - 8/29/08
Ben Barnes - Yanni - 9/29/08
Skandar Keynes - Chris - 9/27/08
Sufjan Stevens - Kylie -9/26/08

Leave a comment below if:
-If you're not listed above but were approved

-Any information above is incorrect
-If you'd like to hold a Professor position or Head of House position not already listed above (because we'll reserve it for a month)
-If you'd like your character to be prefect
-If you'd like your character to be a member of FUKD, DE, the Order, or DA
-If you want your character on their house quidditch team (so long as the position is available)
-If you would like to reserve a PB
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