Just A Moment of Your Time.....

Jun 07, 2014 20:16

I never post personal things on here, but a very dear friend of mine has launched a kickstarter campaign to fund his dreams, and I would very much like to see him succeed. I can tell you all the boring details such as (his words taken from his page)  ” I dreamt of a theater experience like no other. As if you just walked onto the set of The Munster’s or The Addams Family and Michael Jackson’s Thriller and Ghosts videos came to life in your face. Just add some sexy ghouls, rock ‘n roll, glamour, cobwebs and glitter, and you have Ghoulmaster’s Haunted Playhouse. A celebration for those of us who choose to live the Halloween lifestyle all year round. A celebration of acceptance and living your life for YOU!”

If you can spare as little as $1, you can help him reach his goal (although there are a lot of very cool rewards if you can pledge more than that). Please just take a moment to check out his kickstarter page (it comes with a video where he can tell - and show you - his dreams much better than I ever could), it would be very much appreciated!

EDIT: Or you can watch the video HERE before you decide!
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